365Dad Inc.

1 Westinghouse Plaza
Suite A101
Hyde Park, ma 02136
Phone: 617-238-7105

Email: mneal@365dad.net Website: www.365dad.net
Who to Contact: Marv Neal Services:

Description: 365DAD’s mission is to connect, equip and transform men with positive parenting practices to build better families through education, support, and services.

Services: Group & meeting facilitation, Program trainings, Outing coordination, Professional development for other providers, Consultations and Service referrals.

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Languages: English, Spanish

ABCD (Action for Boston Community Development)

178 Tremont Street
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-348-6329
TTY: 617-423-9215

Email: abcdconnect@bostonabcd.org Website: bostonabcd.org/
Who to Contact: Ask for program or service Services:

Services include:

Some ABCD neighborhood sites offer assistance with the Earned Income Tax Credit, tax preparation, and financial literacy. Call for further information about each program.


Service hours:

Downtown office: Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Other Locations:

Allston-Brighton Neighborhood Opportunity Center (NOC)
640 Washington Street, Suite 203

Asian American Civic Association
87 Tyler St. 5th Floor,
Chinatown, Boston

Dorchester Neighborhood Service Center
110 Claybourne St.

East Boston Area Planning Action Council (APAC)
21 Meridian St.
East Boston

Roxbury/N. Dorchester NOC
565 Warren Street

JFK Family Service Center
23A Moulton St.

Mattapan Family Service Center
535 River St.

Mystic Valley Opportunity Center
11 Dartmouth St
Suite  104

North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center
1 Michelangelo St.

Parker Hill/Fenway Neighborhood Service Center
714 Parker St.

South Boston APAC
424 W. Broadway St.
South Boston

South End Neighborhood Service Center
554 Columbus Ave. Boston

Requirements & Restrictions:

All services are available to residents of Boston, Malden, Medford, and Everett. Fuel assistance, Head Start, and some workforce development/job training and senior programs are available to additional suburbs. Suburban residents from towns other than those listed above should call for eligibility.

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Creole, Somali, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Vietnamese. Ask about specific languages at program or neighborhood office when calling. Transportation Google Maps

AccessHealth MA

Schrafft's Center
529 Main Street, Suite 301
Boston, ma 02129
Phone: 617-502-1700
Fax: 617-502-1703

Email: jails@accesshealthma.org Website: www.accesshealthma.org/

The Houses of Correction Program covers medication costs for HIV-positive residents in Massachusetts county jails. Enrollment occurs by submitting an application that is filled out collaboratively by jail staff and clients. Jail staff then submit the application by fax or email. When clients are released, coverage in our program may continue with a call or email.

The PrEPDAP Program covers the cost of pre-exposure mediation for Massachusetts residents at risk of HIV infection. This program can cover the costs for residents released from jail. Applications for enrollment can be found online or by phone.

Service hours:

Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Requirements & Restrictions:

No cost to MA residents – Income must be below 500% of the Federal Poverty Line.

Adbar Get Connected!

1151 Mass Ave
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-522-1049

Email: adamfrost@computerCareandLearning.com Website: www.ethiopianwomen.org/what-we-do

We provide a full computer system for $50 with a lifetime warranty.

We also provide many free training opportunities to learn how to take care of computers and to learn to be in the computer or related businesses.

Service hours:

Zoom meetings and in person at various times. Please call 617-522-1049 for the schedule.

Waiting time: We can usually get you a desktop computer within a week All classes are open immediately. Languages: English, some Spanish, some Haitian Creole, some Russian, some Kinyarwanda

AdCare Treatment Centers

1419 Hancock St.
Ste. 201
Quincy, ma 02169
Main Phone: 866-279-7444
Criminal Justice Services: 508-763-2107

Website: adcare.com/

The AdCare mission is to improve the lives of their patients and families by providing safe, effective, recovery-based alcohol and drug treatment.


Online Services:

Service hours:

Main phone line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Other Locations:

AdCare Hospital
107 Lincoln St.
Worcester, MA 01605

AdCare Outpatient at Quincy
1419 Hancock St. Ste. 201
Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: 617-328-0639

AdCare Outpatient at West Springfield 
117 Park Ave
West Springfield, MA 01089
Phone: 413-209-3124

AdCare Outpatient at Worcester 
95 Lincoln St.
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-453-3053

AdCare Outpatient at North Dartmouth 
88 Faunce Corner Rd
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Phone: 508-999-1102

Transportation Google Maps

Age Strong Commission

1 City Hall Square
Room 271
Boston, ma 02201
Phone: (617) 635-4366

Email: agestrong@boston.gov Website: www.boston.gov/departments/age-strong-commission

Age Strong Commission aims to enhance the lives of people 55+ with meaningful programs, resources, and connections.

Services include:

Their services remain open and available by phone. In-person meetings are by appointment only. Please call 617-635-4366 (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) or email agestrong@boston.gov.

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Other Locations:

The following advocates hold office hours in the following neighborhoods:

Deolinda DaVeiga- Mattapan, North Dorchester, Roxbury, Cape Verdean Community (citywide)

Lorna Heron- Fenway/Kenmore, Hyde Park, South Boston

Connie Mohammed- Bay Village, Downtown, North End/Waterfront, West End

Meghan Bragg- Allston, Brighton

Nhung (Ivy) Pham- Chinatown, Roslindale, South Dorchester, Vietnamese Community (citywide)

Marissa Resnick- Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury

Tammy Sutton- Citywide (in-house)

Vilma Valentin- East Boston, Mission Hill, Latino Community (citywide)

Call 617-635-4366 if you’d like to meet with an advocate in your community.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be 55 or older.


774 Albany St
1st Floor
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-534-3976

Email: smackin@bphc.org

AHOPE is a harm reduction and needle exchange site providing a range of service to active injection drug users, including: Integrated HIV, Hepatitis, and STI testing. Free legal, and anonymous needle exchange. Supported referrals to HIV, Hepatitis, and STI treatment. Overdose prevention education and training. Risk reduction supplies to reduce the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C infection. Risk reduction counseling, supported referrals to all modalities of substance abuse treatment. AHOPE services are available at the walk-in center at 774 Albany Street and through mobile van and outreach sites around Boston.

AIDs Action Committee

75 Amory Street
Boston , ma 02119
Phone : 617-437-6200

Email: information@fenwayhealth.org Website: www.aac.org/

AIDS Action is New England’s largest provider of services to people living with HIV/AIDS and populations at risk of infection.


Other Locations:

359 Green St.
Cambridge, MA 02139


Transportation Google Maps

AIDs Action Committee: Access Program

Phone: 857-313-6800

Email: bsink@fenwayhealth.org Website: www.aac.org/programs-services/needle-exchange/

As one of several state-sanctioned and state-funded syringe exchange programs in Massachusetts, AIDS Action’s Access: Drug User Health Program distributes and exchanges syringes to people who inject drugs (PWID). Access: Drug User Health Program is one of the state’s pilot sites for the distribution of Narcan, a nasal spray provided to IDUs and their network of supportive family and friends to reverse potentially fatal overdoses.

The program also operates a drop-in center where members can access:

Offered both at the exchange and on outreach.
You can schedule a test by calling 857-313-6800 or walk in during exchange hours.

Andrew and Alewife Stations, Egleston, Jackson, Porter and Davis Squares, and Malden. Call or text 617-470-0994 with any questions or to find out where our outreach team is today.

Medical Clinic
Come see Dr. Fleming for wound care, HIV/HCV/STI treatment, MAT services and more, or meet with our Public Health Nursing Team

Behavioral Health
Come to the exchange to talk with a Behavioral Health Clinician by appointment or walk-ins. Walk-ins available Wednesdays (9am – 12pm, 1 – 4pm), Thursdays (9am – 12pm) and Fridays (9am – 12pm, 1 – 4pm).

Service hours:

Exchange Hours
Monday-Wednesday, Friday: 9 am-12 pm, 1 pm-4 pm
Thursday: 9 am-12 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous

12 Channel St., Suite 604
Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park
Boston , ma 02210
Phone (English): 617-426-9444
Phone (Spanish): 617-764-0361

Website: www.aaboston.org/

Information on alcohol abuse and treatment. Meetings and hotline available.

VIRTUAL MEETINGS: Local on-line and in-person meetings listed on website. Listings of online meetings outside the area can be found at https://aa-intergroup.org/

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 9:00am - 9:00pm; Weekends and holidays: 12:00pm - 9:00pm

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts (ACLUM)

211 Congress Street
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-482-3170

Email: info@aclum.org Website: aclum.org/

For nearly 100 years, the American Civil Liberties Union has worked every day in the courts, in the legislature, and in communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, Bill Rights, and laws of the United States.


For prisoner-specific information, visit: www.aclu.org/prisoners-rights

Other Locations:

Western Massachusetts Legal Office
39 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060

For information, contact:
Bill Newman, Director, Western Mass. Legal Office
(413) 586-9115

Immigration Protection Project of Western Massachusetts
For information, contact:
(413) 727-8515
Learn more about the Immigrant Protection Project

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American Red Cross: Boston Food Pantry

1033 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, ma 02118
Email: MABostonfoodpantry@redcross.org Website: www.redcross.org/local/massachusetts/food-nutrition

The Boston Food Pantry is operated by the American Red Cross of Massachusetts. Since 1982, they’ve been on a mission to help alleviate hunger and food insecurity among low-income communities throughout the Boston area. They provide food and nutrition resources to individuals and families at our pantry, through mobile distribution programs and a Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). Their Food Recycling program diverts food waste from landfills transporting it to local farms where recycled into compost.

Staff and volunteers provide nutrition education and help their clients apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to better enable them to purchase more food. Through their mobile distribution programs – the Boston Public Schools (BPS) Grove Hall Alliance Initiative, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) and Head Start (HS) Initiatives – they provided healthy food and nutrition resources to varying food insecure populations throughout our community.

Service hours:

Wednesday & Saturday: 9:00am - 11:00am

Other Locations:

Entrance door is on Proctor Street

Requirements & Restrictions:

No registration or sign-up is required; no questions are asked.

Transportation Google Maps

Arlington Street Church Friday Night Supper

351 Boylston Street
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-221-6402

Email: contact@fridaynightsupper.org Website: www.fridaynightsupper.org/

The mission of the Friday Night Supper Program is to serve a hot nutritious meal in a safe and dignified environment every Friday to anyone who wants one.

Each guest is served a nutritious three-course meal consisting of soup, dinner, and dessert at their table by their courteous volunteer serves.

They also provide clothing, shoes, toiletries, and other essential items to their guests following meal service. Twice per month, Friday Night Supper Program provides basic essentials to its guest through a request and need-based system.

Clothing Closet

On the second and fourth Friday of the month, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm, guests can put in their request for clothing at the table near the piano. The clothing closet opens up at 6:30pm.

Resource Cards
The FNSP has a series of “People Cards” that provide information on free resources in Boston. They have one for Food and Shelter resources, Health care resources, and useful resources (employment/education services, legal assistance, etc.).

Service hours:

Every Friday between the hours of 5:00pm-7:00pm. Guests can begin to line up in the public alley off Arlington Street at 4:30pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

No registration or sign-up is required, no questions are asked.

Transportation Google Map

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence

P.O. Box 120108
Boston, ma 02112
Phone: 617-338-2355

Email: info@atask.org Website: www.atask.org/site/

ATASK is a nonprofit, community organization serving pan-Asian survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence. Their mission is to prevent domestic and intimate partner violence in Asian families and communities and to provide hope to survivors. ATASK is committed to serving survivors of domestic violence representing all ages, ability levels, education levels, race, national origin, cultures, religions, gender identities, and sexual orientations.

Service hours:

Multilingual Helpline available 24/7

ATASK advocated available Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm, if follow up is needed.

Other Locations:

Lowell, MA

Transportation Google Maps

Asian-American Civic Association

87 Tyler Street
5th Floor
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-426-9492
Fax: 617-482-2316

Email: info@aaca-boston.org Website: aaca-boston.org/

The Asian American Civic Association provides limited english-speaking and economically disadvantaged people with education, occupational training, and social services enabling them to realize lasting economic self-sufficiency.

AACA provides a range of services, including English classes, social services, job training, college preparation and a post-graduate retention program.




Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Languages: English, Chinese Transportation Google Maps

Back On My Feet Boston

361 Newbury Street
Boston, ma 02115
Phone: 617-221-9508

Email: Jennifer.hyde@backonmyfeet.org Website: www.backonmyfeet.org/
Who to Contact: Jennifer Hyde Services:

Members commit to running/walking with one of their six teams in the Boston area Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. After 3 mornings of participation they are able to receive team gear, including a pair of running shoes. After 30 days in the program, members with 90% attendance earn the opportunity to move into the second phase of the program called Next Steps, which provides educational support, job training programs, employment partnership referrals and housing resources. Members can earn financial assistance to remove barriers to employment and housing such as work supplies, transportation and security deposits.

All their group runs meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. New members and volunteers are always welcome!

– Team Hope @ 5:45 am outside of 8 Farnham Street, Boston
– Team Common Ground/Vets @ 5:45 am near the Park Street MBTA Station at Park / Tremont Streets, Boston

Requirements & Restrictions:

After 3 days of participation members are eligible to receive team gear. After 30 days participation they are able to enter the Next Steps Program to be eligible for financial aid.

All interested members and volunteers must complete paperwork prior to attending their first run.

Potential members must be clean and sober to participate. Cannot accept level 3 sex offenders.

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Barbara McInnis House (BHCHP)

Jean Yawkey Place
780 Albany Street
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 857-654-1706

Website: www.bhchp.org/about/locations/barbara-mcinnis-house

BHCHP provides “medical respite care”, short-term medical and recuperative services, for homeless people who are far too sick for life in shelters but not sick enough to occupy a costly acute care hospital bed.

BHCHP’s 104-bed medical respite facility is located in Jean Yawkey Place on the campus of Boston Medical Center.

For patients and providers looking for more complete information on services provided at the Barbara McInnis House, please see their FAQ sheet.

For providers looking to admit a patient, please see their admittance requirements before filling out an admission form. 

Service hours:

Always open

Transportation Google Maps

Bay Cove Human Services

66 Canal Street
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: 617-371-3000
Fax: 617-371-3100

Email: info@baycove.org Website: www.baycove.org/

Bay Cove Human Services is a private, not-for-profit corporation that provides services to individuals and families who face the challenges of developmental and intellectual disabilities, mental illness, substance use disorder, homelessness and/or aging. Call the main office number to be directed to the appropriate program.


Service hours:

M - F: 8:30am - 6pm. There are scheduled dosing hours on weekends.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Certain programs may have restrictions. Call 617-371-3000 for more information.

Transportation Google Maps

Bay State Community Services

1120 Hancock Street
Quincy, ma 02169
Phone: 617-471-8400
Fax: 617-376-0619

Email: Info@baystatecs.org Website: baystatecs.org/
Who to Contact: Front Desk Services:

Bay State Community Services is a comprehensive social services agency that provides counseling outpatient services, day programming, recovery center (peer support), recovery coaching, and child and family home-based services. BSCS hosts the Quincy and Plymouth Family Resource Centers.

Service hours:

Please call main number 617-471-8400 or program(s) directly.

Other Locations:

Quincy – A New Way Recovery Center
85 Quincy Avenue, Suite B

Quincy – Family Resource Center
1120 Hancock Street

Quincy – Outpatient Counseling and Recovery Support
1120 Hancock St.

Braintree – Home Based Child & Family Services
400 Washington Street

Plymouth – Home Based & Child and Family Services
430-3 Court Street
Phone: 508-830-3444

Plymouth – Family Resource Center
430-3 Court Street

Walpole – Turning Point Recovery Center
32 Common Street

Transportation Google Maps

Baystate Reentry Network

PO Box 57
Prides Crossing, ma 01965
Phone: 617-380-7761

Email: info@baystatereentrynetwork.org Website: baystatereentrynetwork.org/
The Baystate Reentry Network (BRN) is a dedicated group of volunteers helping re-emerging citizens, who have a sexual conviction and are forced to register, reintegrate into society after their incarceration.

The BRN programs ensure that clients can maintain their commitments within and to the legal system and navigate programs to assist their transition as they leave incarceration.

Berea Seventh Day Adventist

108 Seaver Street
Dorchester, ma 02121
Phone: 617-427-2201

Email: bereasdabostonpastor@gmail.com Website: www.bereaboston.org/

Church Food Pantry:
They believe that food should not be a privilege but a basic human right and no one should ever go hungry. The pantry is open on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 8am – 11am. However, if you have an emergency for food, please call Berea Food Pantry at 617-427-2201.


Service hours:

Office Hours: Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 1:00pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Bring photo ID for food pantry, as well as bags for food.

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Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s (BIDMC) Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery (CVPR)

330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, ma 02215
Phone: 617-667-8141

Website: www.bidmc.org/centers-and-departments/social-work/center-for-violence-prevention-and-recovery

The CVPR works to improve the health and well-being of people impacted by multiple forms of violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, community violence, and homicide by providing trauma-informed services and programs.


All of CVPR’s direct service programs are:

Languages: Available in multiple languages through BIDMC interpreters

Bethel Baptist Church

18 Saint James Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-445-0584
Fax: 617-445-0052

Email: bethelbaptistroxbury@gmail.com Website: www.bethelbaptistchurchroxbury.com/
Who to Contact: Rev. Franklin Murray, Sr. - Pastor Services:

Worship services: Sunday at 7:30am and 11am
Sunday School & New Member’s Class: 9:30am

Additional programs, activities, groups:

Their church door is open- Please remember to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:00am-4:15pm

Transportation Google Maps

Black and Pink Massachusetts

PO Box 1718
Boston, ma 02130
Email: info@BlackAndPinkMA.org Website: www.blackandpinkma.org/

Black and Pink Massachusetts provides community support, advocacy, policy work, and mutual/material aid, and reentry support for LGBTQ+ people and People Living With HIV (PLWH) in Massachusetts who are involved with the criminal legal system.

Their programs aim to support their members throughout the entire criminal legal process including arrest, prosecution, incarceration, and post-release. In order to request access to one of their programs, please fill out this Mutual Aid Request form. They review requests each Monday and someone from their team will follow up directly with you.


Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be

(1) currently/formerly system-involved in Massachusetts AND

(2) Transgender OR not straight OR living with HIV

Languages: English, some Spanish


716 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone (Jamaica Plain location): 617-524-5120

Website: www.shopboomerangs.org/

New, vintage, and gently used clothing, books, housewares, electronics, and furniture are for sale.

Boomerangs is owned and operated by AIDS Action Committee of MA, Inc. and all proceeds from Boomerangs support AIDS Action’s work.

Service hours:

Jamaica Plain:
Monday through Friday: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM - 6:00PM

Central Square:
Monday through Friday: 10:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM - 6:00PM

South End:
Tuesday through Sunday: 11:00AM - 6:00PM

Other Locations:

Central Square:
563 Massachusetts Ave

South End:
1407 Washington St.

Transportation Google Maps

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)

99 Bishop Allen Drive
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone (24-Hour Hotline): 1-800-841-8371
Phone (Office): (617) 492 8306
Fax: (617) 492 3291

Email: info@barcc.org Website: barcc.org

The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center provides free, confidential support and services to survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends. They work with survivors of all genders from the immediate crisis after sexual violence to years and decades later, and their goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice in ways that are meaningful to them. They assist survivors as they navigate the health-care, criminal justice, social service, and school systems.

Services include the following:
*Hotline: by phone 24-7 at 800-841-8371 and webchat at barcc.org/chat
*24-7 Medical Advocacy
*Case Management (assistance with housing, health care, and more)
*Individual and Group Counseling
*Legal Advocacy, including immigration services

Services in English and Spanish, with other languages upon request.

Service hours:

Hotline and medical advocacy: 24-7
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Other Locations:

Family Justice Center
989 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Waltham Office:
24 Crescent Street, Suite 202
Waltham, MA 02453

Requirements & Restrictions:

Anyone 12 years or older welcome.

Languages: Services in English and Spanish, with other languages upon request Transportation Google Maps

Boston Center for Independent Living, Inc.

60 Temple Place
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-338-6665
TTY: 617-338-6662
Fax: 617-338-6661

Email: contactBCIL@bostoncil.org Website: bostoncil.org/
Who to Contact: Information and Referral Specialist Services:

Assisting people with a disability to live as full a life as possible through:

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:45am to 5:00pm

Other Locations:

1526 Dorchester Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02122

Requirements & Restrictions:

Any individual/family member who self identifies with a disability.

Waiting time: Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are not turned away, and assisted based on staff availability. Languages: English, French, Haitian Creole, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verdean Creole, ASL, Luganda, Swahili, Runyankore, Other languages accommodated through language line Transportation Google Maps

Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Adult Education

1483 Tremont Street
Boston, ma 02120
Phone: 617-635-4920

Email: BCYF@boston.gov Website: www.boston.gov/health-and-human-services/bcyf-adult-education

Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Adult Education programming builds invaluable skills for life and work.

They offer a flexible and supportive approach focused on their students. Programs take place at many BCYF community centers in Boston. Each year, thousands of adults take part in BCYF education programs, including:

English As A Second Language or Other Language
They offer English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) classes at all levels. This includes those with little or no knowledge of English, to those able to conduct simple conversations. They make these courses available at five BCYF community centers:

They also offer ESOL classes at English High School and the Mario Umana Middle School Academy. BCYF Jackson/Mann Community Center offers a unique family literacy program. Parents and children can take part in classes at the same time.

High School Equivalency
Get Prepared
They offer High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation classes to adult learners at all grade levels. These classes help prepare you to take the HiSET or GED high school equivalency exams. They prepare you to understand the concepts stressed in the exam and build on your knowledge. The goal is to give you the ability to earn scores that exceed passing requirements.

Online learning
Their courses are becoming more focused on online learning and testing. This will help you build the computer skills to succeed in higher education and the modern workforce. Online learning also provides flexibility for students to access a quality education from their local community center or home.

Lots of Options
They are proud that BCYF was one of the first agencies approved to offer HiSET neighborhood testing sites in the state. They administer the HiSET exam to more than 800 candidates each year. You can take the HiSET or GED exams at a number of different times and locations. They are also the only GED testing site in Boston and the only HiSET paper testing site in Boston.

BCYF Adult Education and Testing Locations

COVID-19 current status:

Service hours:

Central Office: Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm. Community Center schedules vary.

Transportation Google Maps

Boston Community Justice Support Center (at Suffolk County Courthouse)

3 Pemberton Sq
Room 114
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-788-3500
Fax: 617-936-2428

Website: www.mass.gov/info-details/find-out-how-community-justice-support-centers-work

There are 18 CJSC across the state. Clients attend CJSC to participate in programs designed to improve their lives and avoid further criminal justice involvement. Each CJSC offers about 15 different programs, including cognitive behavioral treatment for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and to improve decision making, employment counseling, and Adult Basic Education, GED/HiSET, and post-secondary preparation.

Typically, CJSC attendance is ordered by the court pursuant to G. L. c. 211F § 3, but it can also be a condition of parole or pre-release supervision.

For people going home after being incarcerated, attending may be a choice.

Boston ElderINFO

89 South St
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: (617) 292-6211

Email: bei@bshcinfo.org Website: www.elderinfo.org

It is the mission of Boston ElderINFO to be the resource that meets all the information needs of every Boston elder, person with a disability, and caregivers to live with dignity, safety, and independence in our communities. Information and referral programs on the following:

• Healthy aging classes
• Boston money management program
• Options counseling
• Resources for home care services

Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be an older adult.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless; Jean Yawkey Place

Jean Yawkey Place
780 Albany Street
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 857-654-1600
Fax: 857-654-1107

Email: info@bhchp.org Website: www.bhchp.org/jean-yawkey-place

BHCHP seeks to provide or assure access to the highest quality health care for all homeless men, women and children in the greater Boston area. Services are provided at medical centers, shelters, and on the street.

Patient services at Jean Yawkey Place include primary care, dental services, family services, HIV care, pharmacy, podiatry, optometry, behavioral health, transgender programming and substance abuse treatment.

Some services are provided at special times, call for more information.


Service hours:

Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Evening clinic until 8:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Transportation Google Maps

Boston Health Care for the Homeless: Substance Use Disorders Services

780 Albany Street
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 857-654-1000
Fax: 857-654-1100

Email: info@bhchp.org Website: www.bhchp.org/specialized-services/addiction-services
SPOT Program

Located at our main site, 780 Albany Street. SPOT offers engagement, support, medical monitoring, and serves as an entry way to primary care and treatment on demand for 8-10 individuals at a time who are over-sedated from the use of substances and who would otherwise be outside on a street corner, alleyway, or alone in a public bathroom, at high risk of overdose. SPOT is staffed by addiction nurses, harm reduction specialists, and peers who are in recovery themselves. While the immediate goal is to reduce the harms associated with substance use in a population which lacks stable housing and supports, our ultimate goal is to help medically-complex individuals access treatment for substance use disorders, including medication-assisted therapies, counseling, or detoxification followed by inpatient or outpatient support.

Office-Based Opiate Treatment

BHCHP launched its opioid treatment program at our largest outpatient clinic located at Jean Yawkey Place in 2008. We expanded this service to our clinic at St. Francis House in 2013 and to Casa Esperanza in 2015. Specialists work with addicted patients using a combination of Suboxone treatment, counseling, and case management.

Even for those using large doses of highly addictive drugs like heroin and oxycodone, Suboxone treatment can offer rapid, pain-free withdrawal in an outpatient setting — at a cost much lower than traditional hospital inpatient programs.


The Addiction Collaborative and Expedited Support Services (ACCESS) team follows a chronic disease management approach, using BHCHP’s multidisciplinary, patient-centered model. With recovery as the ultimate goal, the team focuses on harm reduction strategies and draws on motivational approaches to promote self-driven care.

The ACCESS team serves patients who are at highest risk for overdose death— those who have had an unintentional drug overdose within the last 12 months. Services include:

Case Management

Our intensive case management services include accompaniment, home visits, assistance with detox and transitional programs, naloxone education, harm reduction and overdose prevention counseling.


Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a safe and effective prescription medication that reverses opioid overdose. BHCHP provides prescriptions for Naloxone and educates patients on how to use the medication.

Support Groups

In October 2012, BHCHP began offering addiction support groups, first at the Barbara McInnis House, our 104-bed respite program, and then at our outpatient clinic at Jean Yawkey Place. Facilitated by social workers skilled in addiction counseling, these groups are held daily and are well attended by patients in both settings.

Boston Medical Center – Office Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT)

801 Massachusetts Ave
Boston, ma 02119
Phone: 617-414-4123

Website: www.bmc.org/office-based-addiction-treatment-obat
Services: Service hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Languages: All languages made possible through phone interpreter services

Boston Project Rebound Reentry Services

Boston Project Rebound Reentry Services
P.O. Box 192123
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 978-545-3607

Email: bostonprojectrebound@gmail.com Website: bostonprojectrebound.org/


Website provides additional resources for people returning to their communities.

Service hours:

M 9am-4pm
T 9am-5pm
W 9am-12pm
Th 9am-5pm
F 9am-5pm
Sat. & Sun. CLOSED

Closed on all federal holidays

Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC)

1010 Massachusetts Ave, 6th Floor
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-534-5395
Fax: 617-534-5358

Email: info@bphc.org Website: www.bphc.org/whatwedo/Pages/What-We-Do-by-Topic.aspx

The Boston Public Health Commission, the country’s oldest health department, is an independent public agency providing a wide range of health services and programs.

The Commission’s more than 40 programs are grouped into six bureaus: Child, Adolescent & Family Health; Community Health Initiatives; Homeless Services; Infectious Disease; Recovery Services; and Emergency Medical Services.

Programs & Services:


Service hours:

The Help Desk hours are from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday

Requirements & Restrictions:

Varies by Program

Languages: Transportation Google Maps

Boston Release Network

Phone: 857-243-7979

Email: BostonReleaseNetwork@gmail.com Website: www.bostonreleasenetwork.org

Dedicated to successfully reintegrating those who have committed sex offenses back into the community.

Boston Reentry Network is also a resource for information for people with sex offenses who face problems in their community primarily due to registration issues. Those concerns often include housing, employment, and compliance with statutory mandates of registration laws.

Boston Rescue Mission

39 Kingston Street
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-338-9000
Fax: 617-482-6623

Email: info@brm.org Website: www.brm.org/

Boston Rescue Mission offers a variety of programs and resources that prevent and end homelessness and support the recovery, health, faith, and independence of those who have a history of substance abuse, incarceration, and homelessness. Programs offered include:

Service hours:

Varies by program

Transportation Google Maps

Boston Senior Home Care

89 South St. Suite 501
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: (617) 451-6400
Fax: (617) 451-6631
TTY: (617) 451-6404

Website: bostonseniorhomecare.info/

Boston Senior Home Care (BSHC) is a private, nonprofit human services agency dedicated to ensuring that older adults and individuals with disabilities, particularly those of limited means, can remain safely in their homes with dignity and independence. Since 1974, BSHC has provided adults 60 years of age and older with affordable in-home care and community-based services. Today, BSHC also offers long-term services and supports for people with disabilities of all ages, education to help individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage their chronic diseases, as well as resources and supports for caregivers.

Their mission is to empower individuals to achieve the highest level of health, wellbeing and social connection by providing a wide range of services and supports, including:

* Home Care program
* Senior Care Options (SCOs)
* One Care Program
* Adult Foster Care
* Family Caregiver Support Program
* Supportive Housing
* Options Counseling
* Evidence-based Program
* Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Program
* Long-term Services and Supports

Service hours:

M-F 9 am- 5 pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be an elder or an individual with disabilities above the age of 16 years of age, or a caregiver.

Bowdoin Street Health Center

230 Bowdoin Street
Dorchester, ma 02122
Phone: 617-754-0100

Email: Bowdoinstreethealth@bidmc.harvard.edu Website: www.bidmc.org/locations/bowdoin-street-health-center

Bowdoin Street Health Center is proud to provide health services to you and your family. They have been an active participant in the Dorchester community for over 40 years and offer care for infants, children, teens, adults and seniors.

Recognizing how social and economic factors in the community can also influence an individual’s health status, Bowdoin Street actively engages with community organizations and public entities to prevent violence, improve access to healthy, affordable foods and promote wellness through exercise and stress reduction.

The Center is also an innovator in transforming its practice into a Patient-Centered Medical Home, improving patient outcomes through stronger provider-patient partnerships in co-managing one’s health. Bowdoin’s approach includes a self-care program, a multidisciplinary care team, group medical visits, screenings for depression and home visits.

Services include:

Service hours:

Mon-Thurs, 8:00am - 7:00pm; Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm; most Saturdays, 9:00am - 1:00pm

COVID-19 Testing Hours of Operation: Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri: 9:30am - 4:30pm; Wed & Sat: Closed

Waiting time: On any given day that you call them, they will try to give you an appointment with your doctor that same day or the next day, regardless of why you are calling. Will try to do the same for new patients too. Languages: Multiple languages; see website Transportation Google Maps

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

47 West Street
Boston, ma 02111
Main: 617-423-9575
TTY: 617-423-9575 *355
National Runaway Hotline: 1-800-786-2929

Website: www.bridgeotw.org/

Bridge offers a comprehensive range of services to youth ages 14 to 24 in a positive and safe environment.

Street Outreach and Mobile Medical Van: Street Outreach is Bridge’s daily “foot patrol” of trained outreach workers who make regular consistent contact with homeless youth on the street throughout a range of neighborhoods in Boston and Cambridge. The Mobile Medical Van (MMV) connects with the street outreach team each weeknight. See specific hours below. The Van provides medical attention, survival kits, clothes, food and referrals.

Runaway Program: Bridge is the local respondent for the national runaway hotline offering 24-hour access to a counselor and a safe overnight accommodation away from the streets for homeless youth ages 14-17 for up to 72 hours.

Traditional Day Program (TDP): Visit the second floor of the Bridge building for a free breakfast or lunch. You can shower, use the lockers, do your laundry, attend a workshop, and see a case manager.

Medical Care: Bridge offers weekly free medical services staffed by healthcare professionals at the 47 West Street Facility.

Counseling and Support Services: Get help for substance abuse, family & peer relationships, survival needs and other crisis intervention services. Bridge counselors will support and listen to you.

Emergency Residence: Short-term transitional residence at the 47 West St. location for homeless youth ages 18 to 24. Youth commit to counseling, employment and continue their education. During the winter months, Bridge opens up the Warming Center, as an adjunct to the ER, each night to youth who need overnight shelter and survival each day from November through April.

Education and Career Development Program: Classes for youth to attain their HiSet. Takes place M – F from 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 4:00pm. Flexible schedule, rolling admissions, guidance counseling for youth who wish to enter or continue college or vocational program.

Transitional Living Program: Long-term transitional residential program. Residents are required to maintain employment, continue their education, and meet weekly with a counselor.

Single Parent Home: Transitional living program for pregnant and parenting homeless young women and their children. Serves up to 10 families at any given time and may stay for up to 2 years.

Housing: Bridge offers a variety of supportive services for youth seeking housing. Liberty House is the next step for young adults who have participated in their Transitional Living Program in Brighton. Bridge also currently participates in rapid re-housing programs for youth based on the “housing first” model. This program with the City of Boston is another avenue to prioritize youth for housing.

Service hours:

Intake: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4:30pm
Mobile Medical Van Hours: Mon. - Fri., 5pm-6:30pm @ Boston Common, 7pm - 8:30pm @ Harvard Square

Requirements & Restrictions:

Youth only, ages 14 to 24

Languages: Spanish, English Transportation Google Maps

Brighton Allston Congregational Church: Thrift Shop and Food Pantry

404 Washington Street
Brighton, ma 02135
Phone: 617-254-4046

Email: info.abfoodpantry@gmail.com Website: abfoodpantry.com/

Thrift Shop
Open on Saturdays 10:00a.m. – 1:00p.p.m. – includes children’s clothes, books, kitchen items, and more. There’s a “free store” downstairs in the church’s dining hall with out-of-season clothing and excess books and toys

Food Pantry: Baskets and Community Supper
The Allston-Brighton Food Pantry provides nourishing food at no cost to members of the Allston-Brighton community.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Food Basket- Am I eligible?
In order to qualify for the Food Basket program you must provide:

If you meet all of these requirements, arrive at the Allston-Brighton Food Pantry (404 Washington St, Brighton) between 10am and 1pm to receive your food basket .

Transportation Google Maps

Bristol Lodge Men’s Shelter

27 Lexington Street
Waltham, ma 02452
Phone: 781-893-0108

Email: bristollodge@mhsainc.org Website: www.mhsainc.org/shelter

The Bristol Lodge Men’s Shelter provides temporary, emergency shelter accommodations for 45 homeless adult men. It operates on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are in need of a bed, you must go through the pre-screening process by calling 781-893-0108, Monday through Friday.  Phone calls are accepted beginning at 9:00am.

Upon completion of the intake process, clients are given access to individualized case management services, meant to address and provide referrals for a wide spectrum of topics, including housing, employment, mental health, substance abuse, financial insecurity, nutrition and more.


Requirements & Restrictions: Transportation Google Maps

Bristol Lodge Women’s Shelter

205 Bacon Street
Waltham, ma 02451
Phone (Registration): 781-893-0108

Email: bristollodge@mhsainc.org Website: www.mhsainc.org/shelter

The Bristol Lodge Women’s Shelter provides temporary, emergency shelter accommodations for 12 homeless adult women. It operates on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are in need of a bed, you must go through the pre-screening process by calling 781-893-0108, Monday through Friday.  Phone calls are accepted beginning at 9:00am.

Upon completion of the intake process, clients are given access to individualized case management services, meant to address and provide referrals for a wide spectrum of topics, including housing, employment, mental health, substance abuse, financial insecurity, nutrition and more.

Requirements & Restrictions: Transportation Google Maps

Brooke House

107 Park Dr
Boston, ma 02115
Phone: (617) 867-0300
Fax: (617) 867-0344

Email: crj@crj.org Website: www.crj.org/divisions/social-justice-services/programs/

Brooke House is a 65-bed Community based Residential Reentry Program for male returning citizens. Residents receive evidence-based case management services and in-house clinical services that emphasize successful reentry.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Men referred by the county sheriffs’ departments, the Massachusetts Department of Correction, the Massachusetts Parole Board, or the Massachusetts Probation service.

Brookline Food Pantry

210 Harvard St.
United Parish
Brookline, ma 02446
Phone: 617-800-5339

Email: brooklinefoodpantry@gmail.com Website: brooklinefoodpantry.org/

“Ensuring that none of our Brookline neighbors go to bed hungry.”

Service hours:

210 Harvard St. United Parish: Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm

Other Locations:

(1) 226 High Street Brookline, Ma 02445
Tuesday: 3pm – 7pm

(2) 55A Egmont Street, Brookline 02446
Thursday: 3pm – 7pm
Saturday: 10am – 1pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Food Pantry

If you are unsure of whether you qualify, please call Elizabeth Boen, Director, at 617-800-5339

Emergency Food Delivery Assistance

To see if you qualify for home delivery services, please call them at 617-800-5339

Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge and Somerville Legal Services

60 Gore Street
Suite 203
Cambridge, ma 02141
Phone : 617-603-2700

Website: www.gbls.org/our-work/cambridge-somerville-legal-services

For over 40 years, Cambridge and Somerville Legal Services (CASLS) has provided free legal assistance to low-income families and individuals residing in Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Belmont, Woburn, and Winchester.

CASLS helps clients in their service area to gain access to some of the most basic necessities of life. This includes:

Requirements & Restrictions:

Residency in Cambridge, Somerville, Arlington, Belmont, Woburn, or Winchester.
Residency in Cambridge and Somerville for elders.
Income limitations may apply.

Waiting time: Varies by complexity of complaint and staff availability Languages: CASLS has some staff that speak Spanish; language line access and interpreters are available for other languages. Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge Center for Adult Education

42 Brattle Street
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-547-6789

Email: info@ccae.org Website: ccae.org/

CCAE provides high-quality, place-based experiential education.


Other useful links


Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be 18 or older.

Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW)

51 Inman Street
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-349-4697
Fax: 617-349-4766

Email: ksansoucy@cambridgema.gov eshield@cambridgema.gov Website: www.cambridgewomenscommission.org/index.php

As a department of the City of Cambridge, the Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW) works to promote equity for women and girls and advocates on their behalf with other City departments and officials, local organizations, and state government to increase their opportunities through policy recommendations, program development and public awareness in key issue areas identified by the Commission as significantly affecting women and girls.

The Cambridge Women’s Commission recognizes, supports, and advocates for all who self-identify as women or with womanhood, including transgender, gender fluid, and non-binary persons. CCSW stands with and for all women and girls regardless of immigration status, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability or religion.


COVID-19 update: Due to the pandemic, all city buildings remain closed to the public without an appointment.

Service hours:

Mon: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Tues-Thurs: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 12:00pm

Cambridge Community Learning Center

5 Western Ave
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-349-6363
Fax: 617-349-6339

Email: CLC@cambridgema.gov Website: www.cambridgema.gov/DHSP/programsforadults/communitylearningcenter

The Cambridge Community Learning Center (CLC) empowers a diverse community of adult learners to transform their lives and realize their potential through education, skills development, and community participation.

The Cambridge Community Learning Center helps adult learners:

Service hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 9:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee

11 Inman Street
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone : 617-868-2900

Website: ceoccambridge.org/

Cambridge Economic  Opportunity Committee (CEOC) is an anti-poverty agency fighting to empower people and mobilize resources to fight poverty’s causes and impacts. See specific services below:

Service hours:

May vary by program

Requirements & Restrictions:

May vary by program

Languages: Amharic, English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge Multi-Service Center

362 Green Street
1st Floor
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-349-6340

Website: www.cambridgema.gov/Services/HomelessandEvictionPreventionServices

City Programs:

Community Programs:


Service hours:

Walk-in hours
Monday: 9:00am - 7:30pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00am - 11:30am

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge Public Library

449 Broadway
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-349-4040

Email: library@cambridgema.gov Website: www.cambridgema.gov/cpl

The Cambridge Public Library offers an array of innovative services that reach beyond research and circulation



Service hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Friday & Satursday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: 1pm - 5pm
Book drop open 24/7

Other Locations:

Boudreau Branch: 245 Concord Ave. 02138 (Temporarily closed) (617-349-4017)

Central Square Branch: 45 Pearl St. (617-349-4010)

Collins Branch: 64 Aberdeen Ave. 02138 (617-349-4021)

O’Neill Branch: 70 Rindge Ave. 02140 (617-349-4023)

O’Connell Branch: 48 Sixth St. 02141 (617-349-4019)

Valente Branch: 826 Cambridge St. 02141 (617-349-4015)

Transportation Google Maps

Cambridge Women’s Center

25 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, ma 02138
Office: 617-354-6394

Email: info@cambridgewomenscenter.org Website: www.cambridgewomenscenter.org/

The Women’s Center offers extensive FREE services to women. They provide direct services in a number of areas and will help point women to other local programs if needed. They have a wide array of support groups, classes, and workshops, and two computer labs in a large comfortable house. Pre-COVID women and their children could come in 10am-8pm weekdays and 10am-3pm Saturdays. They could use a phone, the kitchen, which includes food donations, a library, and more. They offer an extensive information, resources, and referral system, as well as provide crisis intervention and peer support counseling for women in crisis though a Helpline and in-person at the Center. The population using the center is very diverse, and includes many experiencing homelessness, women of color, trauma survivors, of different ages and backgrounds. Participant’s confidentiality is respected and they are not subjected to intake questioning.

Currently, drop-in hours are restricted and are on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Offerings include:

Check the website for the specific hours

Service hours:

Currently open 3-8pm Tuesdays, and noon-5pm Thursdays and Saturdays. Check website for current hours.
The helpline is currently closed.

Requirements & Restrictions:

The Cambridge Women’s Center is a physical and digital community space open to anyone for whom woman is a meaningful identifier or lived experience. It is also open to children (including boys up to 14 years accompanied by mother or caretaker).

Participants are signed in at the front door (front name or pseudonym). There is no formal intake process, and no personal information is required or requested.

Languages: English; volunteers speak other languages as well, and there is a free Spanish/English Conversation Exchange Zoom group 1-2:30pm on Wednesdays. Transportation Google Maps

Casa Esperanza, Inc.

302 Eustis Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-445-1123

Website: www.casaesperanza.org/

Casa Esperanza, Inc. is a bilingual/bicultural behavioral health facility that specializes in serving men and women with a history of substance abuse in Massachusetts.


Service hours:

Varies by program.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Varies by program.

Waiting time: Varies by program Languages: Spanish, English Transportation Google Maps

Casa Myrna

451 Blue Hill Avenue
Boston, ma 02121
Phone: 617-521-0100
SafeLink 24/7 Hotline: 1-877-785-2020

Email: info@casamyrna.org Website: www.casamyrna.org/

Casa Myrna is Boston’s largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors. Their comprehensive range of services, available in both Spanish and English, provide survivors with tools to recover from the trauma of abuse and begin to build sustainable self-sufficiency.

Free Supports for Survivors

Service hours:

Supportive services are available by appointment during standard office hours.

Hotline is 24/7

Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps


240 Albany Street
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-661-0600
First Step Street Outreach Team: 617-592-6895

Website: www.casparinc.org/

CASPAR (Cambridge And Somerville Program for Addiction Recovery) is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1970 in response to growing community need for substance use disorder treatment.

FirstStep: The FirstStep Street Outreach program offers life-saving alternatives to unsheltered homeless men and women who are affected by substance use disorder, mental illness and medical complications associated with life on the streets.

Emergency Service Center: The Emergency Service Center (ESC) is one of three shelters in Massachusetts that accept homeless people who are actively using alcohol and drugs. At the ESC clients receive medical and mental health care, nutritional food, personal hygiene supplies, clean clothes, counseling, case management, and employment, housing, and treatment referrals in an environment that is welcoming and safe. The ESC provides a 24-hour shelter, 365 days a year to residents of Cambridge and Somerville.

Residential Programs: Their residential programs are designed to help individuals maintain sobriety, while developing skills they’ll need when they transition to the “real world.”

Requirements & Restrictions:

For residents of Cambridge or Somerville.
May be eligible if resident of Cambridge or Somerville before incarceration.
Services meant for people that struggle with substance use disorder addiction.

Waiting time: Contact shelter for availability Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Cathedral Church of St. Paul – MANNA Community

138 Tremont Street
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-482-5800

Email: cathedral@diomass.org Website: https://www.stpaulboston.org/

The Monday Lunch program has been serving a freshly cooked hot lunch for anyone who desires it every week for thirty years. MANNA volunteers now join their long standing partner parishes to welcome the broader homeless community every Monday at 11:30 a.m.

Lunch is served every Monday from 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. in Sproat Hall.

Monday Lunch is still running, but in a modified manner to comply with the CDC and other public health requirements. They will be serving individually prepared meals.

The Cathedral offers additional services, including weekly masses, a microlibrary, meditation groups, and more. See the website for more information.

Service hours:

Mondays, 11:30am - 12:45pm

Transportation Google Maps

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston

275 West Broadway
Boston, ma 02127
Phone: 617-464-8500
Fax: 617- 451-0337

Email: info@ccab.org Website: www.ccab.org/

Catholic Charities operates a number of community service centers in eastern Massachusetts. The centers provide a wide variety of support services including some basic needs emergency assistance, education and training programs, transitional housing for families, child care, and family counseling, and support.


For COVID-19 Program Updates, click here.

Service hours:

See CCAB website

Other Locations:

Catholic Charities Program Locations
Catholic Charities Labouré Center
275 West Broadway, South Boston
Also home to Refugee and Immigration Services & Community Interpreter Services

Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services
275 West Broadway, South Boston

Catholic Charities North
117 North Common Street, Lynn

Catholic Charities South
169 Court Street, Brockton

Catholic Charities Yawkey Center
185 Columbia Road, Dorchester

Merrimack Valley Catholic Charities
70 Lawrence Street, Lowell

Catholic Charities Child Care Locations
Yawkey Child Care Center
185 Columbia Road, Dorchester

Nazareth Child Care Center
19 St. Joseph Street, Jamaica Plain

Lynn Child Care Center
37 North Federal Street, Lynn
781-598-5547 ext. 230

Malden Early Education and Learning Program
77 Salem Street, Malden

Peabody Child Care Center
13 Pulaski Street, Peabody

Labouré Child Care Center
275 West Broadway, South Boston

Home Based Family Child Care
6 Pleasant Street, Suite 220
Malden, MA

Transportation Google Maps

Centro Comunitário Vida Nova

320 Boston Ave
Medford, ma 02155
Phone: 781-901-9170

Who to Contact: Claudineia Araujo Services:

IBVN Church runs a community center that provides clothes, shoes, toys, books, furniture, and domestic utilities to those in need. The community center is run primarily by Portuguese speakers, but English speakers may also be available.


Service hours:

Saturdays 9am-12pm

Other Locations:

29 Montvale Ave
Woburn, MA 01801

Requirements & Restrictions:

Please wear a mask.

Please bring bags.

Languages: Portuguese, English

Charlestown Adult Education Program

76 Monument Street
Charlestown, ma 02129
Phone: 617-337-5612

Email: ccae@comcast.net Website: bhacharlestownadulted.weebly.com/

The primary mission of Boston Housing Authority (BHA) Charlestown Adult Education is to provide services that meet the needs of the people in the community, with first priority given to BHA and Boston residents.

Programs and services:

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Waiting time: Usually wait list for ESOL classes; Enrollment in GED within 2-3 months. Languages: Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian Transportation Google Maps

City Mission: Homelessness Prevention

185 Columbia Road (Mail)
Suite 317
Boston, ma 02121
Phone: 617-742-6830 x212
Fax: 617-742-8470

Email: pmiranda@citymissionboston.org Website: citymissionboston.org/homelessness-prevention
Who to Contact: Director of Homelessness Prevention Services:

To provide families with relief, City Mission has four programs dedicated to homelessness prevention:

  1. Emergency Needs Network
  2. A Lift Up
  3. Public Voice
  4. A Path to Employment 
  5. Food Assistance 

For more information please contact the Director of Homelessness Prevention Programs, Paola Miranda, at pmiranda@citymissionboston.org

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Transportation Google Maps

City of Cambridge Fuel Assistance Program/DHSP

51 Inman Street
Cambridge, ma 02149
Phone: 617-665-6234

Email: dhspfuel@cambridgema.gov Website: www.cambridgema.gov/DHSP/programsforadults/fuelassistance

Serving both the cities of Cambridge and Somerville, the Fuel Assistance Program assists low-income households with winter heating costs incurred between November 1 and April 30. Eligibility for the program is determined by gross household income that falls within the Federal Poverty guidelines.
The Fuel Assistance Program notifies and pays heating vendors directly for program participants that pay out of pocket for their heating costs. Program participants whose heat is included in their rent could be eligible to receive a payment, made directly to them, for the “heat” portion of their rent.

Service hours:

Monday 8:30am - 8:00pm
Tuesday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must meet certain household income guidelines to be eligible.

Transportation Google Maps

College Bound Dorchester

275 E Cottage Street
Dorchester, ma 02125
Phone: 617-944-1083

Email: info@collegebounddorchester.org Website: collegebounddorchester.org/

College Bound Dorchester was built by, and for, the community and individuals who believe in the transformative power of education, and currently operates as Boston Uncornered. The organization’s Uncornered model scaffolds the best practices of mentorship with the proven success of high expectations and provides financial support to ensure that young adults are able to progress from a past of incarceration to a future of higher education and employability with a goal of unlocking the brilliance and power of Core Influencers as positive agents of peace to drive community change.

They focus on young adults aged 18 to 30 to support reentry and success with services for:

COVID-19 Update: Their physical buildings are currently closed due to the pandemic but they are providing services virtually.

Service hours:

Their buildings have reopened and we are following a COVID-19 policy that requires students to be vaccinated or wear a mask if not vaccinated.

Waiting time: Rolling admissions Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Cape Verdean, Creole Transportation Google Maps

Common Cathedral (Ecclesia Ministries, Inc.)

15 Newbury Street
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-247-4927

Email: info@commoncathedral.org Website: commoncathedral.org/


Sunday Worship:
Located at Brewer Foundation on the Boston Common
Every Sunday at 1pm

Common Art:
Provides space, materials, and caring support staff to support unhoused and low income individuals as they develop their artistic abilities; breakfast and lunch are served
Located at Emmanuel Church Parish Hall, 15 Newbury Street, Boston
Every Wednesday 10am-2pm

Day warming center
Located at Emmanuel Church Parish Hall, 15 Newbury Street, Boston
Mondays and Fridays 8am-1pm

Overnight urban outreach program
See the information packet to learn more

Requirements & Restrictions:

Target population: Homeless, previously incarcerated people.

Transportation Google Maps

Community Servings – Teaching Kitchen

179 Armory St.
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-522-7777
Fax: 617-657-1915

Email: teachingkitchen@servings.org

The Teaching Kitchen offers a job training program that consists of a 12-week curriculum covering all factors of working in a professional kitchen. This includes food safety, nutrition, knife skills, quality food preparation, and Servsafe certification.

Trainees learn by completing daily hands-on classes with a chef instructor, as well as through participation in a culinary internship in the Community Servings kitchen, where over 3,000 meals are made from scratch each day. The program also includes job readiness classes, resume writing, mock interviews, digital and financial literacy, and one year of job placement and job retention support for all graduates.

Service hours:

Monday through Thursday, 9am-4pm (arrive no later than 8:45am each day).

No formal classes are held on Fridays, but trainees are welcome to complete additional, voluntary culinary internship hours.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be a citizen or be legally registered. Proficiency in English. High school diploma/GED/HiSET not required. CORI friendly; not SORI friendly.

Waiting time: New classes starting every 6 to 7 weeks. Rolling admission process- apply anytime and have an acceptance decision within 1-2 weeks! Languages: English only Transportation Google Maps

Community Work Services (CWS)

174 Portland Street
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: 617-720-2233
Fax: 617-367-4759

Website: cwsnewengland.org/

Founded in 1877, CWS helps people who face barriers to work obtain employment and achieve greater self-sufficiency through innovative job training, placement, and support services. Programs and support services include:

Education: The Career Design School 

Economic Development

Occupational Health

Workforce Development


Service hours:

Office and Program Hours: M – F: 8am - 4:00pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

All of CWS services have specific eligibility requirements. Interested candidates are encouraged to attend an agency tour to learn more about the program and their requirements. Tours are held year-round, every Wednesday at 1pm. Reservations are not required.

Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

CORI & Re-entry Project: Greater Boston Legal Services

Roxbury Court (2nd floor)
85 Warren Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-603-1797

Email: cori@gbls.org Website: www.gbls.org/our-work/cori-and-re-entry-project

Greater Boston Legal Services helps people with CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) who are shut out of the economy, rejected for housing, and denied other opportunities because of their criminal records.

The Project focuses on Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan due to very high rates of unemployment and extreme poverty in these parts of Boston.

The project represents individual clients and engages in systemic law reform advocacy. Cases accepted include:

GBLS walk-in sites at the Roxbury Court, Dorchester Court and Boston Municipal Court at Brooke courthouse stopped due to COVID, but expect to return starting in Roxbury by January 2022. Check GBLS website.

In the meantime, you can get help on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 2pm to 4pm by ZOOM click here to register for a clinic. You can also email your name, address and phone number to cori@gbls.org or leave a message at 617-603-1797.


Other Locations:

Greater Boston Legal Services
197 Friend Street, Boston
Boston, MA 02114

Dorchester Court:
510 Washington St.
Dorchester, MA 02124

Boston Municipal Court
Boston Municipal Court, 2nd floor, Ed Brooke Courthouse
24 New Chardon Street,
Boston, MA 02114

Requirements & Restrictions:

Services are limited to low-income people with income less than 250% of federal poverty guidelines, but elders (age 50 or over) or people on Medicare are eligible regardless of income. Some of their pro bono volunteer attorneys also may represent clients who are not significantly above the poverty guidelines, and they make referrals to bar association pro bono and reduced-fee panels

Waiting time: Usually none Languages: Interpreters are available for non-English speakers by phone if not in person at the courthouse. Transportation Google Maps

Council on American-Islamic Relations (MA)

800 Boylston St
P.O. Box 990445
Boston, ma 02199
Phone: 617-862-9159

Email: info@ma.cair.org Website: www.cairma.org
Who to Contact: Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, Esq. (Executive Director) Services:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations – Massachusetts (CAIR-MA) is a chapter of America’s largest Muslim civil rights organization. CAIR-MA’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote social justice and mutual understanding.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations – MA provides legal assistance and information on religious discrimination (anti-Muslim, Islamophobia) in employment, housing, law enforcement issues, harassment, hate crimes, and travel issues.

Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 9AM to 5PM

Waiting time: Requests are responded to as soon as possible, likely within 48 hours. Languages: Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Other languages spoken in predominately Muslim countries may be available , English

CPCS-Alternative Commitment & Registration Support Unit

75 Federal Street
6th Floor
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-482-6212
Fax: 617-502-6328

Email: ac@publiccounsel.net Website: www.publiccounsel.net/pc/alternative-commitment-and-registration-support-unit/
Who to Contact: Alternative Commitment & Registration Support Unit Services:

The Alternative Commitment and Registration Support Unit (ACRSU) is a unit of the private counsel division that works to ensure that indigent clients are well-represented in sexually dangerous persons (SDP) proceedings in Superior Court, in Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) proceedings before the SORB and Superior Court, and in the appeal of SORB and SDP cases to the appellate courts.

Transportation Google Maps

De Novo: Center for Justice and Healing

47 Thorndike Street
Suite SB-LL-1
Cambridge, ma 02141
Phone: 617-661-1010

Website: www.denovo.org

De Novo provides free civil legal assistance and affordable psychological counseling to low-income people. Their services combat the effects of poverty and violence by helping clients and their children meet basic human needs for safety, income, health and housing.

De Novo provides high-quality, free civil legal assistance to low-income people living in Greater Boston, and to immigrants and refugees statewide. They offer legal assistance in the areas of housing and homelessness prevention, family law/domestic violence, immigrant and refugee rights, and disability benefits.

De Novo offers free legal services to victims of crime regardless of their income.

Legal Services

They also provide counseling services.

Service hours:

To request legal assistance, contact their Intake and Referral Line at (617) 661-1010 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday

Transportation Google Maps

Department of Mental Health and Forensic Services

25 Staniford Street
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: (617) 626-8000

Email: dmhinfo@state.ma.us Website: www.mass.gov/service-details/forensic-services

Court-based forensic mental health assessments and consultations for people facing criminal or delinquency charges and civil commitment proceedings. Services provided:

Forensic Mental Health Services:

• Court based forensic mental health assessments and consultations who are facing criminal or delinquency charges and civil commitment proceedings.
• The Forensic Transition Team provides reentry services for DMH clients who are transitioning from prisons, jails, and other places of detention to the community.
• Jail diversion activities.

Check out DMH Forensic Mental Health Services at a Glance for more program information.

Adult Services:

• Adult Community Clinical Services

• Formerly Community Based Flexible Supports
• Respite Services
• Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)
• Clubhouses
• Recovery Learning Communities (RLCs)
• DMH Case Management
• Homelessness Services

Child, Youth, and Family Services:

• Child/Adolescent Case Management
• Individual and Family Support Services
• Day Services
• Caring Together Services
• Clinically Intensive Residential Treatment (CIRT)
• Intensive Residential Treatment Programs (IRTP)
• Parent and Family Support Services
• Transition Age Youth
• School and Community Therapeutic Support
• Information and Referral
• Consultation and Education
• Juvenile Forensic Court Services
• Continuing Care Inpatient Services
• Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP)

Disability Law Center

11 Beacon Street
Suite 925
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-723-8455
Toll-Free: 1-800-872-9992
Fax: 617-723-9125

Email: intake@dlc-ma.org Website: www.dlc-ma.org/
Who to Contact: Intake staff Services:

DLC is committed to promoting the civil and human rights of all persons with disabilities.

DLC’s Core Function is to keep people with disabilities safe from abuse and neglect wherever they live and where they receive services. DLC does this primarily by monitoring for abuse and neglect as well as investigating suspicious deaths and allegations of abuse and neglect.

Client services:

Please note that due to COVID-19 staff are working remotely. They are therefore not taking any walk-in visitors to help slow down the spread of COVID-19.

Service hours:

M-F: 9am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Who They Serve:

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and other languages are provided through interpreter services Transportation Google Maps

Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE)

P.O. Box 690267
Quincy, ma 02269
Phone: 617-770-4065

Website: www.dovema.org/

DOVE is a multi-service organization providing comprehensive direct services and support for victims of dating and domestic violence, as well as their children. DOVE’s services include crisis intervention, danger assessment and safety planning, supportive counseling, emergency shelter, legal advocacy and representation, and community outreach, education, and training.

Programs & Services Include:

Service hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Crisis hotline: 24/7

Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation

594 Columbia Road
Dorchester, ma 02125
Phone (General): 617-825-4200
Phone (Referrals) : 617-825-4200 x574
Fax: 617-825-3522

Website: dbedc.org/

Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation runs a number of economic development programs, including a Reentry Program for returning citizens and the Workforce Development Program. These programs are available to Boston residents, and they offer individualized job pre-and-post job counseling and placement and job skill-building opportunities.

Reentry Program Participants can start in the program while in prison and continue after release with case management or come through different avenues. Guidance is offered with educational and employment goals, weekly support groups, and assistance with personal needs such as probation officer relationships and family/community relationships. Services provided can include job readiness programs, resume writing help, and a GED preparedness course.

Referrals are made on a case-by-case basis.

Update: Currently remodeling their building and have a temporary location at 572 Columbia Road, Dorchester. It is best to call and contact them before coming to the office. Doing meetings on zoom, on the phone, and in-person.

Service hours:

Please call for an appointment at 617-533-9575

Requirements & Restrictions:

Clients do not need a CORI to access services

Transportation Google Maps

Dress for Success Boston

989 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, ma 02215
Phone: 617-779-2177

Email: empower@dfsboston.org Website: boston.dressforsuccess.org

The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.

Client services include:

Please note: They have been experiencing technical difficulties with their phone system. Stay connected and contact them via email at empower@dfsboston.org.

Service hours:

Monday - Friday 9:30 AM to 4 PM

Languages: Albanian, Chinese Simplified, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish

East End House: Emergency Food Program

105 Spring Street
Cambridge, ma 02141
Phone: 617-876-4444
Fax: 617-868-3616

Email: Ryan@eastendhouse.org Website: eastendhouse.org/programs-and-services/emergency-food-program

The Food Pantry provides individuals and families in need with fresh fruits and vegetables, canned and dry goods, meats, and dairy products. Community members are welcome to come to the pantry two times per month.

For current information on available services, visit their Covid-19 resources page. 

Service hours:

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Pantry Hours
Tuesday: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Friday: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Requirements & Restrictions:

They serve individuals and families in need in the Cambridge and Greater Boston area with no residency restrictions. On your first visit, you will be required to fill out an intake form. Bring ID and a form of income verification. Acceptable forms of verification include pay stubs, Medicare/Mass Health card, a DTA/EBT card, a referral, a benefit statement, or any other document that proves your income status.

Transportation Google Maps

Eastern Regional Legal Intake (ERLI)

7 Winthrop Square
2nd Floor
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-603-1700

Website: vlpnet.org/get-help/

ERLI is a project of the Volunteer Lawyers Project and provides a free legal intake line for low-income individuals seeking legal intake, information, advice and referrals.

ERLI handles intake for Greater Boston Legal Services, the Volunteer Lawyers Project, and limited intake for Metro West Legal Services.

ERLI’s service area includes the service areas of the Volunteer Lawyers Project, Metro West Legal Services, and Greater Boston Legal Services.

Callers must provide essential information about themselves such as contact information (name, date of birth, address), household size and income, amount of financial assets, and immigration status in order to be screened for legal services. Callers who are not eligible for direct representation with an Eastern Region legal services program are provided legal information and/or referrals.

ERLI screens and refers potential clients to Greater Boston Legal Services.

Service hours:

Their call center's hours during the pandemic are:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9am - 12pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 12:30pm - 3:30pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

To qualify for VLP services, clients must:

VLP refers people they can’t assist to organizations that may be able to help.

VLP Service Area: Acton, Arlington, Ashland, Bedford, Bellingham, Belmont, Boston, Braintree, Brookline, Cambridge, Canton, Carlisle, Chelsea, Cohasset, Concord, Dedham. Dover, Everett, Foxborough, Framingham, Franklin, Hingham, Holbrook, Holliston, Hopkinton, Hudson, Hull, Lexington, Lincoln, Malden, Marlborough, Maynard, Medfield, Medford, Medway, Melrose, Millis, Milton, Natick, Needham, Newton, Norfolk, Norwell, Norwood, Plainville, Quincy, Randolph, Revere, Scituate, Sharon, Sherborn, Somerville, Stoneham, Stow, Sudbury, Wakefield, Walpole, Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Wellesley, Weston, Westwood, Weymouth, Winchester, Winthrop, Woburn, Wrentham.

Waiting time: When you call ERLI, you may need to wait to speak to a Legal Advocate. Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Mandarin, Portuguese Transportation Google Maps

Ecumenical Social Action Committee (ESAC)

434 Jamaicaway
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: (617) 524-2555
Fax: 617-524-2430

Website: www.esacboston.org/

ESAC works with vulnerable residents of many Boston neighborhoods by creating stability in homes and for families. ESAC strives to promote healthy, stable, and integrated neighborhoods and communities by connecting residents with necessary services and resources. Services include:

• Senior Home Repair and Falls Prevention
• Foreclosure Prevention
• Benefits Enrollment Center
• ESAC Youth Opportunity Collaborative (EYOC)
• Housing Stabilization

Service hours:

Varies by program, please see website.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Child or Older Adult. Some programs require Boston residency or low to moderate income.

Elizabeth Stone House

8 Notre Dame Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Main Line: 617-427-9801
Intake Line: 781-400-0770

Website: www.elizabethstonehouse.org/

The Elizabeth Stone House partners with adult and child survivors of domestic violence and related trauma – mental illness, housing instability, and substance misuse – to achieve safety, stability, and overall wellbeing.

Service offerings include:

COVID-19 Update: The Elizabeth Stone House building is not open to non-residents, but staff are still available to assist individuals via phone.

Languages: Spanish

EMERGE (Batterer’s Intervention)

388 Pleasant Street
Suite 204
Malden, ma 02148
Main Office : 617-547-9879
Fax: 617-547-0904

Email: info@emergedv.com Website: www.emergedv.com
Who to Contact: Intake staff Services:

Emerge is a group counseling and education program for men and women who are abusive in intimate partner relationships. Emerge sees clients who have been abusive in heterosexual and same-sex relationships. All programs satisfy court/probation and DCF requirements.

Due to concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, Emerge has moved ALL ongoing groups to a video platform.

Other Locations:

Spanish groups are held at Curtis Hall Community Center, 20 South St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Requirements & Restrictions:

Group members must admit to having been physically, emotionally, verbally, economically, or sexually abusive to a partner in an intimate relationship for the Abuser Intervention Program. For the Anger Management Program, the incident(s) must be non-intimate partner related (e.g. involving coworkers, strangers, friends, or other family members).

Languages: English, Spanish for Abuser Education, Anger Management, and Fatherhood programs. Transportation Google Maps

Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA)

1 Ashburton Pl. 5th floor
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: (617) 727-7750
Toll Free Elder Abuse Hotline (24/7): (800) 922-2275
Fax: (617) 727-9368

Email: information.resources@MassMail.State.MA.US Website: www.mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-elder-affairs

Executive Office of Elder Affairs promotes independence, empowerment, and well-being of older people, individuals with disabilities, and their families by providing access to services through partnerships with agencies throughout Massachusetts. Services include:

• Executive Office of Elder Affairs Public Records
• Reporting Elder Abuse and Neglect
• In-Home Services
• Health Insurance Counseling
• Prescription Drug Assistance
• Senior Housing Resources
• Councils on Aging & Senior Centers
• Nutrition Program for Seniors
• MassHealth for Seniors and People who need Long-Term Care Services
• Family Caregiver Support Program
• Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
• Dementia Friendly Massachusetts
• Assisted Living
• Advocacy Services
• Legal help for elders

Service hours:

Varies by program.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Older adults and individuals with disabilities.

Faith Lutheran Church: Faith Kitchen

Faith Lutheran Church
311 Broadway
Cambridge , ma 02139
Phone: 617-945-4395

Email: info@faithcambridge.org Website: www.faithkitchen.org/

In partnership with Temple Beth Shalom, Faith Lutheran Church warm and nutritious serves to-go meals at 6:30 p.m. on the second and last Tuesdays of each month in the parking lot at 311 Broadway. You don’t have to sign up ahead of time. Just come! There are often seconds, which they begin giving away at 7:00 pm.

Service hours:

Second and last Tuesdays each month, 6:30pm.

Transportation Google Maps

Father Bill’s Place

38 Broad Street
Brockton, ma 02301
Phone: 617-770-3314

Email: info@helpfbms.org Website: www.helpfbms.org

Father Bill’s & MainSpring is an emergency shelter for individual adults experiencing homelessness. The main goal is to help people get stabilized and on a pathway toward permanent housing and self-sufficiency. Father Bill’s & MainSpring provides supportive services, access to on-site shower facilities and a medical clinic, and referrals to community agencies, including those in mental health, substance abuse, housing, and employment. 3 meals a day can also be provided.

Service hours:


Other Locations:

54 North Main Street
Brockton 02301

Requirements & Restrictions:

Guests must prove tie or connection to the greater Quincy/Brockton/South Shore area; Must speak to assessment specialist; Male or Female, 18+; Sex offenders must register with Quincy/Brockton Police Department.

Waiting time: Lottery system. No referrals are taken. Languages: Languages are provided on an at-need basis Transportation Google Maps

Fathers’ Uplift Inc.

12 Southern Avenue
Dorchester, ma 02124-2012
Phone: 617-708-0870
Fax: 617-516-8274

Email: info@fathersuplift.org Website: www.fathersuplift.org

Fathers’ UpLift works to assist fathers in overcoming barriers (financial, oppressive, emotional, traumatic, and addiction-based) that prevent them from remaining engaged in their children’s lives. We engage in a three-tiered approach to our mission, focusing first on impacting individuals, then on building families, and finally on enabling societies and communities to better serve and support fathers and families beyond our doors. These three tiers of impact are upheld by four pillars of programs outlined below:

  1. Clinical Support program: Clinical therapy services for men and families to help them navigate challenges related to parenting and expressing their feelings.
  2. Therapeutic Coaching services: Personal mentorship/guidance and holistic assistance with stressors such as employment, houselessness, custody challenges, and more. Involved in our Therapeutic Coaching services is our Fathers’ Homecoming Program in which Fathers’ UpLift meets with men up to 6-months prior to reentry to build a plan of care. Upon release, we provide a “Bag for Dad” and transportation to their current place of residence.
  3. Youth Services: Supporting fatherless youth with programming to address the root cause of fatherlessness and stop cycles of father absenteeism.
  4. Male Engagement Institute: Trainings, curriculum, and internships provided with the goal of guiding mental health agencies, government agencies, and schools of social work on how to best serve and support fathers and families.

Central to Fathers’ Uplift’s mission is a priority placed on making mental health accessible and familiar for historically marginalized and low-income communities. We believe that therapy and coaching services are most effective when staff share cultures, backgrounds, and experiences with the population they’re serving. Because of this belief, the majority of Fathers’ Uplift staff are people of color, including both Black and Hispanic coaches, making our services accessible to both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking populations in our community and maximizing feelings of trust and familiarity.

Service hours:

Mon: 9am-7:30pm
Tues: 9am-5pm
Wed: 9am-7:30pm
Thurs: 9am-5pm
Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat: appointment only
Sun: Closed

Languages: French, Haitian Creole, Spanish, English Transportation Google Maps

Fenway Health

Arsin Building
1340 Boylston Street
Boston, ma 02215
Phone (Arsin Building): 617-267-0900
Phone (Fenway: South End): 617-247-7555
Phone (Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center): 617-457-8140

Email: myfenway@fenwayhealth.org Website: fenwayhealth.org/

Fenway Health advocates for and delivers innovative, equitable, accessible health care, supportive services, and transformative research and education. They center LGBTQIA+ people, BIPOC individuals, and other underserved communities.


The Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center, is a program of Fenway Health that provides safe, non-judgmental care for young people ages 12-29 who may not feel comfortable going anywhere else.

Service hours:

1.1340 Boylston Street: Mon-Thurs: 7:30am-7:30pm; Fri: 7:30am-6:30pm; Sat: 8:30am-1:30pm
2. South End: Mon-Thurs: 8:00am - 7:00pm; Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm
3. Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center: Mon-Thurs: 9:00am-7:00pm; Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Other Locations:
  1. Fenway: South End (142 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116)
  2.  Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center (75 Kneeland Street, Boston, MA 02111)
Languages: Spanish

First Church in Cambridge

11 Garden Street
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-547-2724

Email: info@firstchurchcambridge.org Website: www.firstchurchcambridge.org

Homeless Ministries

The First Church Shelter

The Friday Café


Requirements & Restrictions:

Shelter: 18+; must be drug and alcohol-free; not able to admit guests who are experiencing an acute psychiatric emergency; no registered sex offenders

Transportation Google Maps

Food Not Bombs

Carl F. Barron Plaza
1 Central Square
Cambridge, ma 02139
Email: fnbboston@gmail.com Website: www.bostonfoodnotbombs.com/

The Boston chapter of Food Not Bombs serves a free and healthy vegan meal every week. Run solely by volunteers, at Food Not Bombs you’ll find no bosses or leaders, They serve one meal weekly year-round and rarely if ever, miss a meal. They also sometimes serve at special events and protests. Everyone is encouraged to come eat, volunteer, and share ideas. All are welcome at their table.

Service hours:

Serve the meal from 12:30pm until food runs out (usually between 2-3) at the Carl F. Barron Plaza in Cambridge Central Square

Requirements & Restrictions:

Because the meal is served outside, they do not limit the number of people there, and you can join without signing up.

Members are required to wear masks to cook and serve the food.

Transportation Google Maps

Foodsource Hotline – Project Bread

145 Border Street
East Boston, ma 02128
Phone (Hotline): 1-800-645-8333
TTY: 1-800-377-1292

Email: info@projectbread.org Website: www.projectbread.org/get-help/foodsource-hotline.html

Project Bread toll-free FoodSource Hotline is the only comprehensive statewide information and referral service in Massachusetts for people facing hunger.

Project Bread’s toll-free FoodSource Hotline provides:
• Information on and referrals to emergency food pantries and meal programs
• Information about SNAP/food stamps including screening for eligible and general questions from current recipients
• Over the phone SNAP application assistance and follow-up
• Information about free and reduced-price school and summer meal programs for children
• Information on the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

Service hours:

M - F: 8am - 7pm; Sat: 10am - 2pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Service available by telephone only.
Available to all Massachusetts residents.
Having a criminal record and/or being homeless does NOT disqualify anyone from being eligible for Food Stamps.

Languages: The Hotline has links to 180 languages – specify desired language when calling.

Freedom Hill Community Church – Food Pantry

77 Kennedy Dr.
Malden, ma 02148
Phone: (781) 321-2121

Website: freedomhillcommunitychurch.org/food-pantry/

Their Food Pantry serves hundreds of people each year, providing food for anyone in need. Guests receive a nutritious supply of groceries to help them get by.

Pantry operations during COVID-19: They intend to remain open during this time. Their hours of operation will not change. However, to practice social distancing, they’re asking guests to park in their lot and remain in their cars. Please do not enter the building. Pantry staff will bring groceries out to their guests. If you walk or take public transportation to the pantry, please remain outside the door and staff will assist you there.

Service hours:

Tuesday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

They have no geographic restrictions – all are welcome.

Friends Meeting at Cambridge – Sharing Circle

Phone: 617-876-6883

Email: office@fmcquaker.org Website: fmcquaker.org/community/committees-and-groups/
Who to Contact: Patricia Wild Services:

Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm those formerly incarcerated and those who care about them meet for dinner and sharing.

For more information contact office@fmcquaker.org with subject “attn. Patricia Wild”.

Due to COVID restrictions, be sure to call first to confirm; sometimes they are on Zoom only, sometimes in person and on Zoom.

Service hours:

Wednesdays 6pm – 9pm

Languages: English Transportation Google Maps

Gamblers Anonymous

MA Hotline: 855-222-5542

Website: gamblersanonymous.org/ga/

Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.

Information about meetings is available on the website.

Service hours:


Requirements & Restrictions:

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling. There are no dues or fees for Gamblers Anonymous.

Garment District

200 Broadway
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-876-5230

Email: service@garmentdistrict.com Website: garmentdistrict.com/

The Garment District is a large and unique retail clothing store, stocking all styles of women’s and men’s new and used clothes, shoes, and accessories.

By the Pound: shoppers may buy clothing for $2 a pound

Service hours:

They are only available to answer phone calls and respond to emails during their regular operating hours (Eastern Time): Sunday - Friday: 11am - 8pm & Saturday: 10am - 8pm

By the Pound is closed until further notice

Transportation Google Maps

Gavin Foundation

70 Devine Way
Boston, ma 02127
Phone: 617-268-5000

Website: www.gavinfoundation.org/

The Gavin Foundation operates more than a dozen adult and youth programs independently or in collaboration with other agencies. See more information below and on the website.

Residential Programs

Community Programs

Collaboration Programs

Transportation Google Maps

GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders (GLAD)

18 Tremont Street
Suite 950
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-426-1350
Phone (GLAD Answers): 800-455-GLAD (4523)
Fax: 617-426-3594

Email: gladlaw@glad.org Website: www.glad.org/
Who to Contact: Public Information Manager Services:

GLAD maintains GLAD Answers which provides legal information, referrals on issues related to sexual orientation, HIV status, and gender identity and expression. These issues include employment and housing discrimination, harassment, HIV testing rights and privacy, access to health care, family law, insurance, immigration, youth and student rights, and many others.

Although you can call, email, or chat online to get more information, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they are not able to answer phone calls live at this time but will return your call. Live chat is also unavailable. During this time, email is the quickest way to get a response.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Target population: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and people with HIV.

Languages: GLAD Answers is in English. Additional languages available through interpreter service. Transportation Google Maps

Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS)

197 Friend Street
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: 617-371-1234
TDD: 617-371-1228
Toll-free: 800-323-3205
Fax: 617-371-1222

Website: www.gbls.org/
Who to Contact: Intake Worker Services:

Emergencies are directed to an advocate all day. If there is a very high volume of calls, you may be on hold for a period of time, but someone will eventually answer the call.

For help with criminal and juvenile record sealing, expungement & CORI problems: Email cori@gbls.org or leave a message with your name, address and phone number at 617-603-1797 (please call between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday)

GBLS does not handle criminal cases. It provides free legal representation and legal advice to low-income individuals and families in civil cases. GBLS also engages in systemic litigation, class actions, and legislative advocacy on behalf of its clients.

Major areas related to CORI and low-income people trying to transition to the workforce include:

CORI & Re-entry Project: GBLS is a statewide leader on legal issues related to CORI and the only legal services program focused on legal representation of clients in court on CORI issues and legal advice on criminal record sealing, expungement, appeals of denials of CORI sealing petitions, juvenile record sealing problems, professional licensing problems, CORI barriers and discrimination related to jobs and other opportunities, including EEOC or other CORI law violations; and CORI systemic initiatives related to implementation of CORI laws or new legislation. The Project provides community legal education focused primarily on Dorchester and Roxbury. In addition to help with CORI, GBLS has units that help low income people with other kinds of legal issues. See more information here.

Employment Unit: GBLS represents clients in unemployment insurance claims (including extended unemployment benefits to participate in vocational training) and wage and hour violations against employers that exceed $1,000.

Health & Disability Issues: GBLS helps with termination of benefits related to a criminal warrant; access to government disability benefits.

Housing Unit: GBLS provides eviction help for tenants, home foreclosure prevention, preservation of affordable housing, access to and preservation of shelter for the homeless, and representation of people with children living in a shelter who are denied priority status or who are denied eligibility because of CORI or tenant suitability; housing transfers related to domestic abuse (VAWA).

Other areas of legal practice:

Asian Outreach Project: Special outreach to Chinese and Vietnamese speaking clients and legal assistance to Asian immigrants in the areas of employment and family law; representation of client groups in community empowerment initiatives.

Children’s Disability Project: Provides representation to children with disabilities wrongfully denied Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

Consumer Rights Unit: Unfair and deceptive consumer practices, particularly related to debt collection, home foreclosures, and bankruptcies.

Elder Law issues: Includes housing, elder abuse, nursing home issues; guardianship; Social Security; MassHealth and access to healthcare; veterans’ benefits, Food Stamps, SSI, federal and state disability benefits.

Family law/domestic violence: Provides representation in divorce, restraining order and family law court matters for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to address safety issues and family and economic stability.

Immigration Unit: Researches asylum claims for people fleeing political, gender-based, and/or LGBT persecution, obtaining legal immigrant status for battered women and minor children.

Welfare Unit: Includes obtaining and retaining TAFDC and EAEDC cash benefits, SNAP/Food Stamp benefits, childcare and education/training benefits, and issues related to any of these benefits.

GBLS is considering different ways to help people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check the website for updates: GBLS Services during the Coronavirus.

GBLS also represents community groups and provides community legal education and legislative advocacy for clients.

Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

People who have not yet done intake are asked to call during the following times if it is not an emergency. Intake hours for non-emergency problems are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:00am-12:30pm or Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-3:30pm.

Other Locations:

Cambridge/Somerville Office
60 Gore St., Suite 203, Cambridge, MA 02141, 617-603-2700

Roxbury Courthouse
85 Warren St. Roxbury, MA
Walk-in clinics on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 9:00am – 12:00pm will resume after COVID-19 emergency is lifted.

Dorchester Courthouse
410 Washington St. Dorchester, MA
Walk-in clinics on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:00am – 12:00pm will resume after COVID-19 emergency is lifted

Requirements & Restrictions:

Agency serves residents of Boston and 31 surrounding cities and towns, mostly within Route 128. Complete listing of geographic areas served is on web site. Income limitations (usually restricted to persons with incomes less than 125% of federal poverty guidelines) are applicable, with the exception of elderly clients and Medicare beneficiaries who are not subject to the income guidelines.

Waiting time: Varies depending on volume. Languages: Interpreters are available for non-English speakers. Transportation Google Maps

Greater Love Tabernacle, Inc.

101 Nightingale Street
Dorchester, ma 02124
Phone: 617-740-9480
Fax : 617-740-9484

Email: greaterlovetab@aol.com Website: www.grltabernacle.org/


Service hours:

Office hours: Tues-Fri: 9:30am - 5:00pm; Sun: 1pm-2pm

Transportation Google Maps

Haley House

23 Dartmouth Street
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-236-8132

Email: info@haleyhouse.org Website: haleyhouse.org/

Haley House uses food with purpose and the power of community to break down barriers between people, empower individuals, and strengthen neighborhoods.

Five Branches

Food & Meals Programs

Clothing Room


Urban Farming

Education & Training

Transportation Google Maps

Harbor Health

1135 Morton Street
Mattapan, ma 02126-2834
Phone: 617-533-2300

Website: www.hhsi.us/

Harbor Health Services Inc. is a non-profit public health agency with a mission to help individuals achieve their full potential through access to local, affordable services that promote health. Harbor provides medical, behavioral health, dental, and support services to more than 34,000 patients in Boston, the South Shore, and Cape Cod.

Harbor Health operates five community health centers:


Service hours:

Varies by location, check website.

Other Locations:

Geiger Gibson Community Health Center
250 Mt Vernon St
Dorchester, MA 02125

Daniel Driscoll – Neponset Health Center
393 Neponset Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02122

Harbor Community Health Center – Plymouth
10 Cordage Park Circle
Plymouth, MA 02360

Harbor Community Health Center – Hyannis
735 Attucks Ln
Hyannis, MA 02601

Ellen Jones Community Dental Center
Patriot Square
516 Route 134
South Dennis, MA 02660

Languages: Interpreter services available. Transportation Google Maps

Harvard Square Churches Meal Program

Zero Garden Street
c/o Christ Church
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-966-6217
Phone: 857-529-9461

Email: hscmpinc@gmail.com Website: harvardsquaremeals.org
Who to Contact: Judith Siemen, co-director & Laurie Howell, co-director Services:

The Harvard Square Churches Meal Program hosts an evening meal every Thursday night at Christ Church, Cambridge. A Marketplace accompanies the meal composed of canned goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, toiletries.

Service hours:

Doors open at 5:00pm with the meal served, restaurant-style at 5:30pm

Other Locations:

The Harvard Square Churches Meal Program hosts an evening meal every Thursday night at 5:00 at Christ Church, Harvard Square, Cambridge.

Transportation Google Maps

Harvard Square Homeless Shelter (HSHS)

66 Winthrop Street
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-547-2841
Toll-free: 1-888-285-4038

Email: hshs.info@gmail.com Website: hshshelter.org/

Harvard Square Homeless Shelter (HSHS) is a dry shelter open from November 1 until April 15. HSHS is student-run and operates out of the basement of University Lutheran Church in Harvard Square. HSHS works to provide guests with shelter, food, security, and a supportive environment of mutual respect.  HSHS serves 24 men and women every night.



Service hours:

7pm to 8am, except on Saturday mornings when the shelter remains open until 9am

Other Locations:

Office Address:
Phillips Brooks House Association
1 Harvard Yard
Cambridge, MA 02138

Requirements & Restrictions:


Dry shelter – no drugs, no alcohol

Transportation Google Maps

Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center

632 Blue Hill Avenue
Dorchester, ma 02121
Phone: 617-825-3400

Email: contact@harvardstreet.org Website: www.harvardstreet.org/

Harvard Street Health Center provides the following services:


Other Locations:

Behavioral Health/Veteran’s Center
895 Blue Hill Avenue
Dorchester, MA 02124

Transportation Google Maps

Harvest on Vine by St. Mary-St. Catherine of Siena Parish

46 Winthrop St
Charlestown, ma 02129
Phone: 617-990-7314

Email: tmacdonald@stmarystcatherine.org Website: stmarystcatherine.org/harvest-on-vine/

Harvest on Vine offers a variety of items each distribution. The families they serve receive a week’s worth of food, twice a month.

Service hours:

Food distributions take place on the second Saturday at 10am, and the last Tuesday of each month at 2pm.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Proof of residence

Transportation Google Maps

Heading Home

The Schrafft Center
529 Main Street, Suite 100
Charlestown, ma 02129
Phone: 617-864-8140
Fax: 617-864-2541

Email: info@headinghomeinc.org Website: www.headinghomeinc.org/

Heading Home offers a variety of services available to individuals and families. These include:

Shelters & Emergency Services:
Dorchester and Roxbury Family Shelters: 6 emergency assistance shelters for 42 families.

Transitional Housing:
Medford Family Life Education Center: Emergency shelter for 6 families and transitional shelter for 2 families.
Transitional Apartments: 17 supported single-resident apartments for families receiving support services.

Permanent Housing:
Congregate Housing: Supported permanent housing provided for men and women with shared living spaces in Cambridge.
Scattered-Site Apartments
Permanent Housing Partnership: Permanent housing and intensive services for individuals with disabilities, provided through partnerships with housing development corporations.

If you are a homeless individual looking for housing, please contact Michael Montanille, Individual Services Intake Coordinator at 617.864.8140, ext. 119 or download a copy of their application for permanent housing online.

Service hours:

Varies by program

Requirements & Restrictions:

Different programs may have requirements; ask when applying.

Transportation Google Maps

Health Law Advocates

One Federal Street
5th Floor
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-338-5241
Toll-free: 855-218-2519

Website: www.healthlawadvocates.org/
Who to Contact: Intake Paralegal Services:

Health Law Advocate (HLA) provides high-quality, free legal assistance to income-eligible Massachusetts residents having difficulty accessing health care or health insurance coverage. HLA also provides legal assistance to consumers with unaffordable medical debt. HLA represents individuals and litigates class-actions and impact cases.

HLA specializes in:

Please click here for information about seeking legal assistance from HLA.


Requirements & Restrictions:


Transportation Google Maps


1640 Washington Street
Boston, ma 02118
Intake/Resident Placement: 617-369-1578

Email: info@hearth-home.org Website: www.hearth-home.org/
Who to Contact: Intake/Resident Placement Services:

Hearth is a non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of homelessness among the elderly.

Currently, Hearth, Inc. operates 228 units of permanent supportive housing located in seven different buildings throughout the Greater Boston area.

Housing Applications can be found here. 

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Other Locations:

Representation at all major shelter locations.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Low income seniors age 55 and up

Waiting time: 1 to 3 weeks Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church

62 Harvard Ave
Allston, ma 02134
Phone: 617-787-7625

Website: hrocboston.org/ourchurch/ministries.html#opendoor

Open Door Soup Kitchen & St. Bridget’s Food Pantry

Service hours:

Open Door Dinner: Mondays 6 - 7pm

Transportation Google Maps

HomeStart, Inc.

105 Chauncy Street
Suite 502
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-542-0338
Fax: 617-542-1454
Eviction Prevention Hotline: 1-857-415-2900

Website: www.homestart.org/

HomeStart aims to end homelessness in Greater Boston by assisting individuals in obtaining housing and settling into the community, and by developing strategies to prevent homelessness before it starts.


Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am-12pm; 1pm-4:45pm
Walk-in Hours: Currently suspended due to office closure

Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Hope House

8 Farnham Street
Boston, ma 02119
Phone (Addiction Services): 617-971-9360
Fax (Addiction Services): 617-971-9366
Phone (Outpatient Services): 617-971-9370
Fax (Outpatient Services): 617-971-9366

Email: Michaels@hopehouseboston.org Website: hopehouseboston.org/
Who to Contact: Front Desk Services:

Hope House’s mission is to provide individualized treatment to those living with a substance use disorder (SUD). Individuals will receive education and support allowing them to pursue their life interests with families, employers, and be self-sufficient members of their communities.



Requirements & Restrictions:

Varies by program.

Transportation Google Maps

House of Hope, Inc. – Lowell

12 Merrimack St
Lowell, ma 01854
Phone: 978-458-2870

Email: info@houseofhopelowell.org Website: houseofhopelowell.org/

House of Hope is dedicated to assisting homeless families in Massachusetts. We provide services to families referred to us by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). If you are a family or individual experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of homelessness, you can contact DHCD directly to gain access to resources and referrals:

Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development
Division of Housing Stabilization
To apply for shelter services, please call (866) 584-0653 and speak with a Homeless Coordinator.

Workforce Development and Economic Self-sufficiency

Understanding the need to empower homeless parents with essential employment skills, a positive employment experience, and an increased sense of self-worth to serve as the foundation for long-term employment stability, we developed the Learn2Work Program, which provides a supportive work environment that ignites the desire within each intern to successfully support their family and make a difference in their community.

The Learn2Work Program also provides “soft-skills training” (such as communication and interpersonal skills) and job-placement support to every intern. Interns gain job-skills in a supportive work environment (either retail or culinary) that empowers them to implement personal career plans and work through employment issues that are the basis for any employment success. The goal of the Learn2Work Program is to provide a supportive work environment that ignites the desire within each intern to successfully support their family and make a difference in their community.

Interns discover that work is valuable, work allows them to give back to society, and it builds their self-esteem. We have learned that our internships can literally transform our intern’s relationship to work.

The families who are living in our shelters will be the source of the 25-35 interns per year who will gain real world experience as they operate our retail store and prepare and serve our meals as they Learn2Work!

Learn2Work includes two initiatives: the Hope Chest Retail Program and a Culinary Skills Program.


P.O. Box 231104
Boston, ma 02123-1104
Email: support@housingworks.net Website: HousingWorks.net

HousingWorks is a resource for Housing Advocates and Landlords to search and apply to all subsidized and affordable housing in New England. HousingWorks lists all of the ex-offender housing resources they can locate.

People seeking low-income housing should watch the video (from the website link above). The video is recommended because it teaches you what you need to know *before* you search – and also helps you do the search at the same time. By the time you have finished the video, you will have also finished your housing search.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Online resources only; not available by phone or email.

HousingWorks does not work with individuals or families; instead, they work with their case managers and advocates.

iCater Job Training Program at Pine Street Inn

444 Harrison Ave
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-892-7775

Email: wfd@pinestreetinn.org Website: www.pinestreetinn.org/programs/workforce-development
Who to Contact: Workforce Development Team Services:

Exciting opportunity to gain skills, earn income and join a supportive community. The Workforce Development department at Pine Street Inn runs two paid job training programs: iCater (food services) and iLaundry (housekeeping).  The program orientation is every eight weeks, and the programs last between four and six months.  This is a referral-based program—applicants can ask a case manager or clinician to help them apply.  The program has Job Placement Specialists and a Stabilization Specialist to help you continue your employment journey even after the program ends.

Service hours:

General inquiries: 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Actual training program hours vary, with trainees beginning the program at a part-time schedule and moving to a full-time schedule after eight weeks.

Requirements & Restrictions:

This is a referral-based program; applications must be submitted by a case manager, clinician, or other provider. Applicants must be able to stand for long periods, bend, and lift up to 25 lbs. Additionally, applicants who have a history of SUD must have achieved at least 60 days of sobriety by the time of their enrollment. Because this program includes paid employment, applicants must submit proof of ID and work authorization to satisfy the I-9 form.

Waiting time: They have an orientation every eight weeks. Languages: Trainees must be able to use English proficiently in standard workplace situations as well as receive instructions and feedback from supervisors.

InnerCity Weightlifting (ICW)

PO Box 171313
Boston, ma 02117
Phone: 617-714-4529

Email: briannaf@innercityweightlifting.org Website: www.innercityweightlifting.org/

ICW offers their students the opportunity to learn a valuable skillset, personal training, and this experience allows students to meet clients from opposite socio-economic backgrounds, build an invaluable network, all while making a stable living.

ICW also offers a case management program where they offer their students the opportunity to become ready for employment through resume workshops, mock interviews, housing assistance, and more.

Service hours:

Mon-Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am- 2pm
(Hours may vary)

Other Locations:
  1. Kendall Square, Cambridge MA
  2. Dorchester, MA
Requirements & Restrictions:

Prioritize individuals who have been referred by courts, jails/prisons, and organizations but is willing to help any individual who has been a victim/perpetrator of gun violence.

Institute for Health and Recovery – Project Promise

255 River St
Mattapan, ma 02136
Phone: 781-974-7787

Email: jenniferquintana@healthrecovery.org Website: www.healthrecovery.org/projects/project-promise/
Who to Contact: Jennifer Quintana, Intake and Services Coordinator Services:

Virtual day treatment groups 3x a week, Monday through Friday

• Individual Substance Use Treatment
• Peer Mentoring to support your recovery
• Groups focused on Parenting and Child Development
• Case Management
• Support for family members, including groups for fathers/male partners

Service hours:

Groups: Monday-Friday 10am-2pm
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Other Locations:

Currently holding groups via Zoom

Requirements & Restrictions:

Are you pregnant or do you have a baby?

Has alcohol or other drugs been an issue for you?

Are you looking for support to work on your recovery AND be the best mom you can be?

Transportation Google Maps

Institution for Sexual Wellness

53 Winter Street
Weymouth, ma 02188
Phone: 617-479-4501
Fax: 617-479-8109

Email: info@instituteforsexualwellness.org Website: instituteforsexualwellness.org/

The Institution for Sexual Wellness provides evidence‐based comprehensive assessment, psycho-pharmacological and psycho-therapeutic sex offender treatment to individuals whose behaviors pose a high risk to themselves and/or others. Services offered include full clinical evaluations, dynamic risk assessments and treatment needs evaluation, interim evaluation, firesetting evaluations, forensic evaluation and consultation,  group and individual therapy, as well as psycho-pharmacological therapy.

Call the Institution for Sexual Wellness at (617) 479-4501 to schedule an initial appointment.

Service hours:

M-W: 9am-5pm, and flexibility as on a needs-be basis

Languages: English

Jamaica Plain Community Center, Adult Learning Program

144 McBride Street
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-635-5201

Email: jpccalp@gmail.com Website: jpccalp.wordpress.com/

The Jamaica Plain Community Centers Adult Learning Program (JPCCALP) is the ideal way to develop your skills in English, math, reading, and writing, and make progress towards your goals. They offer free day, evening, and online classes convenient for busy adults. ALP is a full-service program where students can begin at any level and advance through the highest levels.

Life-long learners gain the basic skills they need to receive their General Educational Development (GED), enter job training programs, and apply for higher education and employment opportunities. You can:


Service hours:

Office is open M - Th: 10am - 7pm

Transportation Google Maps

Jeremiah Program – Boston

130 Warren Street
Boston, ma 02119
General Questions: 617-459-4525
Executive Director: 617-245-6551

Email: info@jeremiahprogram.org Website: jeremiahprogram.org/boston/

Jeremiah Program is an organization focused on uplifting families and disrupting generational poverty. They facilitate an experience that partners with families led by single mothers to achieve a college degree while at the same time, preparing their children for educational success.

Jeremiah provides empowerment and life skills training and individual coaching at its home base in Nubian Square. Here, families study, learn, play, socialize, and cook in a supportive environment. Jeremiah assists moms with finding safe and affordable housing and quality early childhood education if needed.

JP Boston’s education partners include Endicott College and Southern New Hampshire University, known for their small classes, supportive faculty and administration with solid track records for supporting students who are parenting. Their partners are committed to the academic and employment success of our young mothers.

Program Benefits

Requirements & Restrictions:

Jericho Circle

2nd Church
Dorchester, ma
Phone: 877-537-4269

Email: info@jerichocircle.org Website: www.jerichocircle.org/

Jericho Circle schedules monthly reentry circles at the 2nd Church in Dorchester on Saturday evenings.  Usually these occur on the 2nd Saturday of each month. They also hold bi-weekly virtual reentry circles to support returning citizens.

Jericho Circle has 20 years of history running emotional circles inside the walls of prisons in New England. Our reentry circles, mentoring and other support initiatives are designed to help returning citizens begin or continue their healing journey on the other side of the wall.

Other Locations:

Virtual Circles via Zoom available.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Men over 18 years old.

John F. Kennedy Family Services Center

15 Tufts Street
3rd Floor
Charlestown, ma 02129
Phone: (617) 241-8866

Website: www.kennedycenter.org/

The Kennedy Center develops and operates high quality programs that serve a wide range of ages and needs to residents of Charlestown and the greater Boston community. Services provided:

Eldercare Services:

• Daily social activities
• Monthly educational speakers
• Monthly health screenings and health education presentations
• Case management services
• Translation & interpretation services in Spanish, English, and Chinese
• Pickup and delivery of prescriptions medications for isolated, frail, and home bound elders
• Medical Escorts for medical appointments
• Trips to local shopping malls and recreational events are provided
• Cooking and healthy eating classes
• Heating fuel assistance application processing
• Emergency support service referrals
• Health screening/services and health services referrals
• Weekly senior exercise programs
• Access to a computer lab and computer training

Education Services:

• Preschool Programs
• Toddler Childcare/Early Head Start
• After-school Program
• Parent Handbooks

Community Services:

• Information and referrals to education and job training programs
• Positive parenting classes and food shopping on a budget
• Healthy cooking classes and food shopping on a budget
• Classes in budget preparation and financial literacy training
• Assistance in accessing all forms of local, State, Federal, and corporate low-income support services such as fuel assistance, food stamps (SNAP), housing vouchers, WIC, Summer Works jobs, and low cost internet and computers, etc.
• Emergency support services for those that are: in need of food, clothing, shelter, transportation services to critical appointments; information about and/or referral to organizations that provide services for individuals/families dealing with issues of domestic violence, substance abuse/addiction, and/or mental health concerns.
• Information and referrals for basic health screening services for children and adults.
• Annual Holiday Gift Drive that provides seasonal gifts for over 500 children from low income families (For Charlestown families only)
• Annual Community Pot Luck Luncheon.

Languages: English, Spanish, Chinese

Just-A-Start Corporation

1035 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, ma 02141
Phone (Main Office): 617-494-0444
Fax: 617-494-8348

Email: contact@justastart.org Website: www.justastart.org/
Who to Contact: Varies by program, see Services description for contacts Services:

Provides affordable housing, education, training, community engagement, and supportive services, including:

Cambridge Biomedical Careers Program: This free 9-month training program (September–May) prepares participants for entry-level jobs in the biotechnology, life sciences, and medical research industries, and supplies local employers with work-ready, diverse employees. The laboratory training is done in partnership with Bunker Hill Community College. In the program, students also receive job readiness training such as preparing a resume, interviewing, and job search, and are introduced to industry professionals through career talks and employer site visits. After graduation, students receive follow up services for up to one year, until they are placed in relevant employment.

There is no tuition fee. Applications are accepted April through August. Eligibility requirements include: a GED or HS diploma, Massachusetts residency (primarily Cambridge, Boston, and MetroNorth), income eligibility, age 18+, and good reading and math skills.

Contact: 617-918-7520

Information Technology Careers Program
The JAS IT Career Program is a FREE educational and career skills training program that prepares individuals for Computer User Support Specialist positions in any business environment. The program is ideal for people who are looking for a new career or are entering the job market for the first time.
Through this training module students are able to obtain stackable industry recognized credentials and certificates (i.e. CompTIA, CompTIA A+, etc.)

Contact:  617-918-7520

YouthBuild/Just-A-Start: JAS YouthBuild is a comprehensive youth development program for 16 to 24 year-old out of school youth that provides education leading to grade level increases and credential attainment (high school diploma or HiSET – formerly GED); career exploration and employment skills building (with a construction/facilities maintenance and/or healthcare focus); and leadership and life skills training. Through their housing community service work experience, youth gain occupational skills leading to HBI PACT and OSHA certificates (industry recognized credentials), in addition to applied academic skills and leadership development. JAS YouthBuild also provides comprehensive guidance, counseling, case management, and support services. Youth who complete the program transition to employment, training, and/or college and receive intensive follow-up support for at least one year, with additional support beyond.

Contact:  youthbuild@justastart.org or 617-918-7506

Home Improvement Programs: Provides assistance in managing home improvement projects and helps homeowners, condominium associations, and landlords secure financing for housing improvements. JAS’s experienced rehab specialists guide clients through the entire process, from application to completion.

Contact: 617-918-7514

Homeowner Services:
JAS offers an array of services to meet the ongoing needs of low and moderate income homeowners in Cambridge. These services include: technical assistance with property maintenance and repair; advisory services for condominium association finances, management, and compliance; education and training courses; and leadership development for condominium associations.

Contact: 617-918-7514

Real Estate Development Projects:
As part of its core mission, Just-A-Start (JAS) develops and owns affordable apartments that allow low and moderate income residents to live in Cambridge at rents that are within their means. JAS currently owns nearly 600 units and has partnered with Maloney Properties and Wingate to provide the portfolio with professional management. If you are interested in affordable rentals in Cambridge, please contact Maloney Properties and Wingate for more information.

Mediation/Conflict Resolution:
To avoid evictions and/or homelessness, Just-A-Start (JAS) professionals mediate and help resolve disputes between tenants, landlords, homeowners, and others by creating a safe, neutral forum in which meaningful dialogue can occur. Mediation allows parties to understand each other’s perspectives, explore options, and come up with a resolution that everyone feels comfortable moving forward with. Through these efforts, JAS has helped thousands of individuals reach compromise and address conflicts before they spiral out of control, often preventing unnecessary eviction. For qualifying cases, JAS professionals also provide mediation to resolve consumer disputes referred through district courts or the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.

Contact:  617-918-7518


Other Locations:

1175 Cambridge St. Cambridge

Requirements & Restrictions:

Bring your Social Security card, birth certificate and proof of address.

Transportation Google Maps

Justice Resource Institute (JRI)

160 Gould Street
Suite 300
Needham, ma 02494-2300
Phone: 781-559-4900

Website: jri.org/

JRI works in partnership with individuals, families, communities and government to pursue the social justice inherent in opening doors to opportunity and independence.

JRI offers a wide array of services including:

La Alianza Hispana

1000 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-427-7175
Fax: 617-442-2259

Email: info@laalianza.org Website: www.laalianza.org/

La Alianza Hispana is a community-based organization providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and education programs to the Latino Community of Greater Boston.


COVID-19 Update

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:


Languages: Spanish, English Transportation Google Maps

Lamour Clinic Health Institute

44 Diauto Drive
Randolph, ma 02368
Phone: 781-885-7252

Email: info@lamourclinic.org Website: lamourclinic.org/

Lamour Clinic Health Institute is a multi-services community-based agency that is committed to advocating and providing community-based, culturally competent, and comprehensive programming services. Its mission is to provide behavioral health, therapeutic and community-based services that aid individuals, children, and families to achieve optimal daily functioning.


Service hours:

M-Th: 8:30am-7:30pm
F: 8:15am-5pm
Sat: 9am-4pm

Other Locations:

Medford, MA.
Dorchester, MA.

Lawyers Clearinghouse

7 Winthrop Square
2nd floor
Boston, ma 02110
Phone:: (617) 544-3434 ext. 110

Email: sthekkeparayil@lawyersclearinghouse.org Website: lawyersclearinghouse.org/
Who to Contact: Legal Clinic Manager Services:

The Lawyers Clearinghouse serves both Massachusetts nonprofits and homeless individuals. They match nonprofits with pro bono lawyers, host legal workshops for nonprofits, and operate a bi-monthly legal clinic for the homeless.



Other Locations:

Clinics are operated at the following locations:

Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program (BHCHP)
Address: 780 Albany St. Boston, Ma. 02118
Contact: Nicole (857) 654-1081

Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Address: 47 West St. Boston, MA. 02111
Contact: Lindsay (617) 423-9575 ex. 207

Cardinal Medeiros Center
Address: 1960 Washington St. Boston, MA. 02118
Contact: Muriel (617) 619-6962

Metro Housing Boston
Address: 1411 Tremont St. Boston, MA. 02120
Contact: Felisha (617) 425-6650

Pine Street Inn
Address: 444 Harrison Ave. Boston, MA. 02118
Men’s contact: Ken (617) 892-9230
Women’s contact: Julie (617) 892-9318

Southampton Shelter
Address: 112 Southampton St. Boston, MA. 02118
Contact: Pedro (617) 534-6136

St. Francis House
Address: 39 Boylston St. Boston, MA. 02116
Contact: Fabiana (617) 457-1034

Women’s Lunch Place
Address: 67 Newbury St. Boston, MA. 02116
Contact: Minerva (617) 267-8104

Woods Mullen Shelter
Address: 794 Massachusetts Ave. Boston, MA. 02118
Contact: Diniz (617) 534-7157

Requirements & Restrictions:

In order to qualify, clients must be homeless, using shelter services, or otherwise income eligible for free legal services.

Learn2Work: Workforce Development and Economic Self-Sufficiency

12 Merrimack St
Lowell, ma 01854
Email: info@houseofhopelowell.org Website: houseofhopelowell.org
Who to Contact: Learn2Work Services:

Learn2Work is run by House of Hope, Inc. – Lowell

Understanding the need to empower homeless parents with essential employment skills, a positive employment experience, and an increased sense of self-worth to serve as the foundation for long-term employment stability, we developed the Learn2Work Program, which provides a supportive work environment that ignites the desire within each intern to successfully support their family and make a difference in their community.

The Learn2Work Program also provides “soft-skills training” (such as communication and interpersonal skills) and job-placement support to every intern. Interns gain job-skills in a supportive work environment (either retail or culinary) that empowers them to implement personal career plans and work through employment issues that are the basis for any employment success. The goal of the Learn2Work Program is to provide a supportive work environment that ignites the desire within each intern to successfully support their family and make a difference in their community.

Interns discover that work is valuable, work allows them to give back to society, and it builds their self-esteem. We have learned that our internships can literally transform our intern’s relationship to work.

The families who are living in our shelters will be the source of the 25-35 interns per year who will gain real world experience as they operate our retail store and prepare and serve our meals as they Learn2Work!

Learn2Work includes two initiatives: the Hope Chest Retail Program and a Culinary Skills Program.

Legal Services Center CORI Sealing Initiative

122 Boylston Street
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-522-3003
Intake line: 617-390-2524

Email: safetynetproject@law.harvard.edu Website: www.legalservicescenter.org/get-legal-help/safety-net-project/lsc-cori-sealing-initiative/

Through LSC’s CORI workshops, clients can receive free assistance in sealing their criminal records. As of March 2020, in-person workshops are on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please see the self-help videos for instructions on requesting and sealing your CORI virtually.

How to participate:

Requirements & Restrictions:

Anyone in need of CORI sealing assistance is welcome to participate if:


Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts – Boston

10 Post Office Square
Suite 800
Boston, ma 02109
Phone: 617-367-1313
Toll-free: 888-466-1313

Email: ellen@lvm.org Website: www.lvm.org/
Who to Contact: Ellen Blaney, LVM-Boston Coordinator Services:

Free, confidential and individualized tutoring for 2 hours per week in basic literacy and ESOL scheduled for mutually convenient times at public locations convenient to the student and tutor.

Depending on health restrictions in place at any given time due to COVID-19, tutor/students may be restricted to remote tutoring only.

Service hours:

Office hours are M - F: 9am - 5pm. Please call for an appointment. Tutoring is flexibly scheduled between the volunteer tutor and the adult student for mutually convenient times.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be over 16 and not currently enrolled in a public school. Primary service population is adults who read below the 6th grade level. No walk-ins; call for appointment.

Waiting time: Their waiting list varies. The average wait time is 6 to 12 months. Transportation Google Maps

Loaves and Fishes Meal Program

35 Magazine St.
Cambridge, ma 02139
Website: www.firstkoreanchurch.org/Home/Ministry#mealProgram

This is a food service and relief project led by the Korean Church of Cambridge. Food preparation is made through the cooperation of nonprofit organizations including Greater Boston Foodbank, donations from nearby stores, and the church’s charitable donation budget. For the past 35 years, the Loaves and Fishes wheat program has consistently served 80 to 160 people every Saturday afternoon, serving as a place of service where you can enjoy warm food with dignity rather than just filling your stomach. You can find up-to-date information on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Loaves-and-Fishes-Meal-Program-136515539846968/.  


Transportation Google Maps

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

15 Christopher St.
Dorchester, ma 02122
Phone: 617-825-1917
Fax: 617-265-2278

Email: info@ldbpeaceinstitute.org Website: www.ldbpeaceinstitute.org/

Louis D. Brown Peace Institute provides services that are consistent and compassionate for families of murdered loved ones and families of incarcerated loved ones to prevent cycles of retaliatory violence.

Services include:

Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House

71 Cherry Street
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-547-4681

Email: info@margaretfullerhouse.org Website: www.margaretfullerhouse.org/

The Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House provides integrated services to individuals and families to empower them to overcome challenges, reach their potential and achieve their goals.

They fulfill this mission by providing the following programming:

Service hours:

Depends on program, check website.

Languages: English with translation software assistance if needed. Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Access to Recovery (ATR)

Toll-free and Confidential Help Line: 1-855-491-4567

Email: atr@ahpnet.com Website: www.ma-atr.org/

Access to Recovery (ATR) is a government-funded program in Massachusetts that gives adults in early recovery from substance use disorders (SUDs) wider access to a full range of community services that can help them be successful in their recovery. ATR operates in five regions: Boston, Springfield/Holyoke, Worcester, Lowell and New Bedford. ATR provides services to help participants on the road to recovery. The 6-month program supports recovery with five types of services:

1) Individualized Recovery Coaching

2) Basic needs purchases (e.g. transportation passes, clothing, hygiene products, government ID cards/driver’s license, cell phones, gym membership, children’s items, etc.)

3) Career Building Services to help participants explore careers, become more employable, and to find a job. ATR participants are able to enroll in job readiness programs and occupational training programs focused on CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information)-friendly jobs. Participants can receive Work-Study Benefits (WSBs) of $10 per hour for every session hour they attend during a training program.

4) Sober Home Service provides eligible ATR participants with up to 5 months of rental assistance in a MASH Certified Sober Home, as well as individualized support through a Recovery Coach to help the individual adjust to this transitional living environment and work towards self-sufficiency. Those who qualify for Sober Home services must be current ATR participants.

5) Care Coordination through an ATR Coordinator to tie all the pieces together.

Service hours:

Help Line: This is a non-monitored phone line and may take up to 3 business days for response

Other Locations:

In Greater Springfield, contact:
IHR (Institute for Health & Recovery)
155 Maple Street, Suite 304
Springfield, MA 01105
Fax: (413) 301-6173
ATR Coordinator: Jackie Segarra (617) 845-6403

For the Downtown Boston Office, contact:
IHR (Institute for Health & Recovery)
105 Chauncy Street, Suite #602
Boston, MA 02111
Fax: (617) 661-7277
ATR Coordinator: Patricial Exilus-Carrenard (617) 645-7668

For the South Boston Office, contact:
Gavin Foundation
70 Devine Way
South Boston, MA 02127
Fax: (857) 496-0266
ATR Coordinator: Stephen Steele (857) 496-7339

In New Bedford, contact:
Gavin Foundation
13 North 6th Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Fax: (774) 328-9075
ATR Coordinator: Jenny Baker (508) 742-6640

In Lowell, contact:
IHR (Institute for Health & Recovery)
97 Central Street, Unit 207
Lowell, MA 01852
ATR Coordinator: Ashley Richards (781) 801-8135

In Worcester, contact:
Gavin Foundation
101 Pleasant Street, Suite #101
Worcester, MA 01609
Fax: (508) 459-9112
ATR Coordinator: Megan McDonough (508) 762-9223

Requirements & Restrictions:

PARTICIPANTS CANNOT REFER THEMSELVES. In order to be referred, individuals must already be working with a treatment provider who is authorized to make ATR referrals. ATR only accepts referrals from authorized referral portals. Check with your provider to see if they’re authorized to make ATR referrals, or contact the BSAS Substance Use Helpline (800-327-5050) to discuss your options.

Massachusetts Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (MATSA)

P.O. Box 920621
Needham, ma 02492
Phone: 857-244-1416

Email: matsaboardpresident@gmail.com Website: matsa.info/

This is a professional association of clinicians and other professionals in the field of sex offender evaluation and treatment. The MATSA Resource Directory, a list of treatment providers, is available here.

Massachusetts Ave. Baptist Church: Project MANNA

146 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-868-4853

Email: info@massavebaptistchurch.com Website: www.massavebaptistchurch.com/project-manna/

Project Manna is the Massachusetts Avenue Baptist Church’s outreach to the displaced and the community. Under the direction of Rev. Brenda A. Brown, Executive Director, nutritional assistance is provided to enhance the quality of life and decrease the incidence of hunger for low-income families and individuals.

The meals program includes an onsite community dinner that is held on both Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With the help of generous donors gifts are also provided at the Christmas dinner that includes toiletry baskets, warm clothing and blankets, as well as winter coats. In addition to its meals program Project Manna operates a food pantry to provide assistance, aimed at increasing the nutritional competency of needy families in our community.

Once per month outreach to the community also includes the Epic Program, a food pantry that feeds an average of 100 families per month. Notifications for upcoming food pantries and Project Manna related events can be found on this page.


Service hours:

Mondays only 1:30pm - 2:30pm (Due to COVID-19 Precautions Temporary hours of Operation are in Place. Meals are served on a takeout basis only).

Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service

20 West Street
Boston, ma 02111
Phone: 617-654-0400
Toll Free: 1-866-627-7577
Fax: 617-338-0503

Email: lrs@massbar.org Website: www.masslawhelp.com/

Callers are given a referral to a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA), if appropriate, or are referred to an MBA public service program, a state or local agency, or a legal services agency for possible free representation. All calls are screened for income. Referrals to MBA attorneys are based on legal need (on both criminal and civil issues), geographic convenience, and the caller’s financial situation.

MBA/LRS Automatic Referrals now available at www.MassLawHelp.com. Individuals looking for a lawyer will be able to get the name of a qualified MBA attorney instantly — 24 hours a day, seven days a week — after filling out a brief online form. The website’s improved capability will benefit legal consumers and LRS panel members by making connections even more accessible. Users will be sent an email listing the name, address, telephone number and email address of the attorney. The attorney will also receive an email containing the user’s contact information, including telephone number and email address.
Anyone needing a reduced fee referral will be asked to contact the LRS via telephone to determine their eligibility. The LRS will also continue to provide referrals by phone during normal business hours at (617) 654-0400 or toll-free (866) MASS-LRS/(866) 627-7577.

Dial-a-Lawyer: On the first Wednesday of every month, between 5:30pm – 7:30pm, MBA attorneys will answer legal questions (on any area of the law both criminal and civil) on the telephone; there is no fee. The telephone number for this service is 617-338-0610, 877-686-0711 (toll-free).

Service hours:

Currently, the Lawyer Referral Service is open with limited hours of Monday thru Friday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Languages: Translator services available for many languages Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline (BHHL)

Phone: 833-773-2445
Text: 833-773-2445

Website: masshelpline.com

The Behavioral Health Help Line connects callers to a broad range of treatment services for mental health and addiction support throughout the Commonwealth. The BHHL is designed to provide direction, promote prevention, treatment and access to resources in the community.

Callers can call or text 833-773-2445 and have a conversation with a live, clinically supervised specialist who can assess clinical needs and provide a warm hand off to the right place in real time. They can also use the chat feature on the website, masshelpline.com, to talk with a representative. Call takers will offer support with immediate crisis intervention, urgent, and routine needs. The Help Line is available 24/7/365 in 200+ languages and is free for every resident. The BHHL is intended for everyone, regardless of age, cultural, sexual, or socio-economic status.

Languages: 200+ languages, icluding ASL (see website)

Massachusetts Child Abuse Emergency Line

Phone: 1-800-792-5200

Website: jbcc.harvard.edu/child-risk-hotline

The Massachusetts Child Abuse Emergency Line operated by Judge Baker Children’s Center functions as the after-hours service for the MA Department of Children and Families (DCF). DCF is the state agency charged with the responsibility of protecting children from child abuse and neglect. A 50+ member staff is trained to assess the urgency of each call, elicit critical information, and provide a sympathetic ear. In situations where children are at imminent risk, an emergency response is initiated, with DCF field staff launching the investigations. Services are provided by phone only. The Emergency Line is NOT able to provide services on its website or by email.

Service hours:

Weekdays: Monday –Thursday 5:00 pm – 9:00 am (of the next morning)
Weekends: Friday 5:00 pm – Monday 9:00 am
Holidays: Friday 5:00 pm – Tuesday 9:00 am for Monday holidays; 5:00 pm of the day preceding a weekday holiday – 9:00 am of the weekday after the holiday

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

1 Ashburton Place, Suite 601
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-994-6000
Fax: 617-994-6024

Email: mcad@mass.gov Website: www.mass.gov/mcad

The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) is the independent state agency that enforces the anti-discrimination laws of the Commonwealth through training, mediation, investigation, prosecution and adjudication. The people of Massachusetts, its workers, and visitors may file a Complaint if they believe they were treated differently or unfairly in Massachusetts based on their identity as a member of a protected class. Complaints filed at the MCAD are investigated by an MCAD staff member to determine if there are sufficient facts to find that the treatment alleged constitutes unlawful discrimination. The MCAD conducts its investigation as a neutral entity. If it is more probable than not that there was an unlawful practice, the Complaint may move forward to prosecution and adjudication.

The MCAD has three offices, Boston, Springfield, and Worcester, where one can meet with an intake specialist for a free consultation and file a Complaint. The MCAD closed its New Bedford office temporarily while searching for a new office location in the region.

The MCAD also offers training and outreach to address and prevent discrimination. The Commission also conducts policy reviews, provide draft model policies online, and issues guidance on Acts that affect the work of the Commission.

Service hours:

M-F, 9-5pm

Other Locations:

MCAD Springfield
436 Dwight Street, Room 220
Springfield, MA 01103
Phone: 413-739-2145
Fax: 413-784-1056

MCAD Worcester
484 Main Street, Room 320
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: 508-453-9630
Fax: 508-755-3861

Requirements & Restrictions:

In all but a few exceptions, the MCAD cannot accept complaints based on incidents over 300 days old. You should review the MCAD Questionnaires

You should bring with you any relevant names, addresses, or telephone numbers, witnesses’ names, and any other paperwork that will help investigate and establish your allegation of unlawful discrimination. You should also be able to give the date the alleged discrimination occurred.

For an employment case: You should have your employer’s name, address, the approximate number of employees, and the name of the parent company, if applicable.

For a housing case: Supply the landlord’s or property manager’s name, the real estate company’s name, or the real estate agent’s name, if appropriate.

For public accommodations: Bring the name of the owner or manager of the establishment.

Languages: English, Portuguese, Creole, Chinese Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

100 Cambridge St., Suite 300
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: 617-573-1100
TTY: 617-573-1140

Website: www.mass.gov/orgs/housing-and-community-development

The Department of Housing and Community Development, through its community and business partners, provides affordable housing options, financial assistance, and other support to Massachusetts communities.

Visit this link for an extensive list of DHCD programs.


Service hours:

Office hours vary depending on program. DCHD General Office Hours: M - F 8:45am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Income restrictions apply.

Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)

80 Everett Avenue
Chelsea, ma 02150
DTA Assistance Line: 1-877-382-2363

Website: Mass.gov/ContactDTA

The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) assists and empowers low-income individuals and families to meet their basic needs, improve their quality of life, and achieve long-term economic self-sufficiency. DTA serves one in eight residents of the Commonwealth with direct economic assistance (cash benefits) and food assistance (SNAP benefits), as well as workforce training opportunities

In addition to food and cash benefits, DTA offers other services to help you meet your basic needs and achieve economic mobility.

Services include:

Service hours:

DTA Assistance Line: Mon. - Fri. 8:15am - 4:45pm

Other Locations:

You can find locations at https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-transitional-assistance/locations?_page=2#

Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI)

40 Court Street
Suite 800
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-357-0700
Fax: 617-357-0777

Email: info@mlri.org Website: www.mlri.org/

MLRI works with many organizations at the local, state, and national level on numerous areas of law affecting those with low-incomes. MLRI also coordinates two statewide websites that provide legal information for low-income people and for legal services advocates on a wide variety of civil legal matters.

As a general matter, MLRI does not provide legal representation to individual clients.

Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics (RVRS)

150 Mt. Vernon Street
1st Floor
Dorchester, ma 02125
Main: 617-740-2600

Email: vital.recordsrequest@state.ma.us Website: www.mass.gov/orgs/registry-of-vital-records-and-statistics

RVRS administers and issues copies of vital records that occurred in Massachusetts from 1926 to the present. RVRS also provides statistics on births, deaths, fetal deaths, divorces, and marriages. These data are used by local and state public health programs and medical researchers to help understand our population, promote wellness, and ensure health equity within the Commonwealth.

Service hours:

M - F: 8:45am - 4:45pm (RVRS Office)

Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)

600 Washington Street
Boston, ma 02111
Main: 617-204-3600
Voice/TDD: 800-245-6543
Fax: 617-727-1354

Email: commissioner@MassMail.State.MA.US Website: www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-rehabilitation-commission

The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) helps individuals with disabilities to live and work independently. MRC is responsible for Vocational Rehabilitation, Community Living, and Disability Determination for federal benefit programs.


Service hours:

M - F: 8:45am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Programs are for persons with disabilities. Some services may have other eligibility requirements. Must be a Massachusetts resident and eligible to work in the U.S.

Transportation Google Maps

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC)

125 Hartwell Avenue
Lexington, ma 02421
Phone: 781-861-0890

Website: www.mspcc.org/

MSPCC is a private, non-profit society dedicated to leadership in protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children and families.

Services include:

Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline

Helpline : 1-800-327-5050

Website: helplinema.org/

The Helpline is the only statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment, recovery, and problem gambling services. Helpline services are free and confidential. Their caring, trained Specialists will help you understand the treatment system and your options.

Service hours:


Languages: Spanish, Interpreters for other languages

MassEdCO Education and Career Planning Center

700 Boylston Street
Boston Public Library
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-536-0200

Email: bpierce@massedco.org Website: www.massedco.org/Boston

With a fundamental belief in the importance of building equity, diversity and inclusion in postsecondary education for underrepresented students, they provide personalized guidance and encouragement to support Massachusetts high school students, parents, and adults pursuing education beyond high school.

While the services at the Center differ depending on individual needs, their advisor always help students:

MassEdCO has advised many returning citizens in the past and is familiar with the kinds of assistance returning citizens may require in accessing higher education. MassEdCO provides help with completing college and financial aid applications and with career planning.

Interested in meeting with an advisor? Make an appointment by calling 617-536-0200 or complete their online intake form. 

Other Locations:


Transportation Google Maps

MassHire Boston Career Center

1010 Harrison Avenue
Boston, ma 02119
Phone: 617-541-1400

Email: contact@masshirebostoncareerctr.org Website: www.masshirebostoncareerctr.org/

MassHire Boston Career Center aims to provide state-of-the-art services that successfully connect business and job seekers of Greater Boston.


Service hours:

Office: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Program hours vary

Waiting time: Depends on program. Transportation Google Maps

MassHire Metro North (BRIDGES Returning Citizens Center)

186 Alewife Brook Parkway
Suite 310
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-468-8918

Email: bsherman@mhmncc.com Website: www.masshiremncareers.com/jobseekers/#brcc
Services: Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Other Locations:

We can meet customers by appointment at MassHire Chelsea and MassHire Woburn

Requirements & Restrictions:

Primarily for residents of Boston and the Metro North region: Arlington, Belmont, Burlington, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Medford, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Revere, Somerville, Stoneham, Wakefield, Watertown, Wilmington, Winchester, Winthrop, and Woburn

McGrath House

699 Massachusetts Ave
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: (857) 317-6191
Fax: (857) 350-4401

Email: crj@crj.org Website: www.crj.org/divisions/social-justice-services/programs/

McGrath House is a 33-bed Community-based Residential Reentry Program for female returning citizens. Residents receive gender-specific evidence-based case management and in-house clinical services that emphasize successful reentry.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Women referred by county sheriff’s departments, the Massachusetts Department of Correction, the Massachusetts Parole Board, or the Massachusetts Probation Service. These referrers must prepare a referral packet which will be reviewed based on availability and allocation.

Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee

24 School Street, Suite 804
Boston, ma 02108
General Phone: 617-338-2345
Toll-Free (MA only): 1-800-342-9092
Intake Phone: 617-338-2345, 4
Intake Toll-Free : 1-800-342-9092, 4

Email: MHLAC@mhlac.org Website: mhlac.org/

Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee provides information and advice to individuals involved with the Massachusetts mental health system through the MHLAC Intake Line. If you need help or advice, you must call the MHLAC Intake Line and leave a voicemail message.

Things to know beforehand:

Priority Areas Covered

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

No criminal representation

Languages: Access to many languages via phone interpreters Transportation Google Maps

Mothers for Justice and Equality

2201 Washington Street
Boston, ma 02119
Phone: 617-516-8086

Email: info@mothersforjusticeandequality.org Website: mothersforjusticeandequality.org/

The mission of MJE is to end neighborhood violence by empowering mothers and youth to challenge the normalization of violence and become effective catalysts for change in their homes, schools, and communities.


Waiting time: None Languages: English Transportation Google Maps

Multicultural AIDS Coalition

9 Palmer Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-541-1050
Fax: 617-541-1060

Website: www.mac-boston.org/

The Multicultural AIDS Coalition mission is to mobilize communities of color to end the HIV epidemic. Multicultural AIDS Coalition provides integrated HIV/STI testing – includes one-on-one counseling, screening for HIV, hepatitis C, syphilis, Chlamydia, and gonorrhea. They also provide various groups both educational and support groups. Follow-up support services and navigation to treatment is provided. MAC follows all COVID-19 protocols for clients and staff.

Specific Programs Include:

CONNECTED Boston – Comprehensive prevention, screening, and care services for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. A Drop-In Center provides a variety of HIV and other health services as well as a safe space for the LGBT persons of color.

Women Connecting Affecting Change – A women led program that addresses needs of Black, Latina, and other women at high risk for infection. Services are provided at a Drop-In Center on Blue Hill Avenue in Dorchester. HIV/STI screening, one-on-one counseling, group counseling, peer-support is provided, and risk reduction services including access to syringe services are provided.

Casa Iris – A peer support, Drop-In Center for Latinos/Latinas offers support groups for Latinx individuals living with HIV, referrals to other health and social services, and individual peer support designed to help clients manage their health and thrive.

AFIA- Africans for Improved Access provides HIV/STI prevention, education, and support services to the African immigrant and refugee community in Massachusetts. They also facilitate cultural competency training for providers who serve African immigrants and refugees. AFIA offers group-level and individual-level services tailored for individuals from the Sub-Saharan African community.

Service hours:

M - F: 10am - 5pm

Other Locations:

Multicultural AIDS Coalition- Dorchester Location
409 Blue Hill Ave
Dorchester, MA 02121

Women Connecting Affecting Change (WCAC)
157A Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02121

Waiting time: Clients can make appointments to received services or drop into their locations. Languages: Spanish, Some African Languages, English Transportation Google Maps

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Phone : 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY: 1-800-787-3224

Website: www.thehotline.org/

24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse (available via phone, text, and live chat on the website)

Contacts to The Hotline can expect highly-trained, expert advocates to offer free, confidential, and compassionate support, crisis intervention information, education, and referral services in over 200 languages.

Advocates attend extensive training sessions to prepare for crisis intervention support, safety planning, education, advocacy, and referrals for survivors; they also undergo training to support friends, family members, and others concerned about loved ones experiencing situations of abuse.


Service hours:

Hotline and chat are 24/7.

Languages: Bilingual advocates are on hand to speak with callers, and the Language Line offers translations in 170+ different languages. 

National Lawyers Guild: Lawyer Referral Service (Mass. Chapter)

185 Devonshire St.
Suite 302
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-227-7335
Fax: 617-227-5495

Email: nlgmass-director@riseup.net Website: www.nlgmass.org/lawyer-referral-directory/
Who to Contact: Lawyer Referral Service Coordinator Services:

The Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild works to change the structure of our political and economic system. They seek to unite the legal community with organizers and activists in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.

Requirements & Restrictions:


Languages: English only for the referral line. NLG attorneys speak other languages. Please specify what language is your primary language to the Referral Service Coordinator.

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Phone: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Website: rainn.org/

This hotline connects callers to the nearest available services for survivors of sexual assault. Instant message is possible by clicking the “chat” button on the website.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is a safe, confidential service. When you call the hotline, only the first six numbers of the phone number are used to route the call, and your complete phone number is never stored in their system. Most states do have laws that require local staff to contact authorities in certain situations, like if there is a child or vulnerable adult who is in danger.

Service hours:

Hotline and online chat available 24/7

Languages: English, Spanish

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

English: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Español: 1-888-628-9454
Veterans : 800-273-TALK (8255), Press 1
TTY: 800-799-4889

Website: suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States. The Lifeline is comprised of a national network of over 180 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices. Instant messaging services are available by clicking “chat” on the website.

Launching on July 16, 2022, 988 will become the national three-digit dialing code for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Moving to 988 does not mean the current 800 number (1-800-273-8255) for Lifeline goes away. Dialing either number will route callers to the same services, no matter which number they use.

Service hours:


Languages: English, Spanish (Note: network centers also have access to interpreting services for other languages)

New Beginnings Re-Entry Services (NBRS)

100R Warren St.
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 857-237-2780

Email: stacey.borden@newbeginningsreentryservices.org Website: www.newbeginningsreentryservices.org/

 New Beginnings Reentry Services, Inc. works in partnership with community agencies to empower and provide supportive services to formerly incarcerated women to successfully rejoin their communities. NBRS addresses the critical issues of education, physical and mental health, as well as personal development through programs and services.

Languages: Spanish

New England Center and Home for Veterans

17 Court Street
Boston, ma 02108
Phone (Services): 617-371-1800
Fax (Services): 617-371-1771
Phone (Case Management): 617-371-1824

Website: nechv.org/

The mission of the New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) is to equip Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness with the tools for economic sufficiency and to provide them a path to achieve successful and dignified independent living.

A service and care provider for former military service men and women, the NECHV offers a broad array of programs and services that enable success, reintegration, meaningful employment, and independent living.


Service hours:

Services open 24/7, Office hours are M – F: 9am – 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Any person who has served in the U.S Military (active, Guard, Reserve), regardless of era, length or character of service, is a Veteran, and is eligible for services and support from the NECHV.

Transportation Google Maps

New England Culinary Arts Training

23 Bradston Street
2nd Floor
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: (617) 442-3600
Fax: (617) 442-3619

Email: info@ne-cat.org Website: ne-cat.org/

Culinary arts job training 12-week program, which includes technical training along with personal coaching and career readiness. Job placement assistance at the completion of the program. To learn more and to begin the application process, please attend one of the information sessions, held every Tuesday at 9:30am in person.


Service hours:

M-F: 9am-3pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

NECAT’s program is free of tuition cost to students and is designed for individuals who are:

– Unemployed or underemployed (earning a low income) with limited access to training opportunities
– Dedicated to working hard and securing a permanent job after the program
– Interested in a career in the hospitality or food services industries
– Able to commit to the 12-week program, Monday-Friday, 9 am – 4 pm
– At least 18 years old
– Legally able to work in the state of Massachusetts
– Able to show proof of a high school diploma or GED / HiSet
– Committed to staying in touch with NECAT for at least two years after the program

Waiting time: 1-5 weeks Transportation Google Maps

New England Forensic Associates

22 Mill St. #306
Arlington, ma 02476
Phone: 781-643-0610
Fax: 781-643-1609

Email: nefa@nefacorp.com Website: www.nefacorp.com/

NEFA is a nationally recognized center for the evaluation and treatment of problematic sexual behavior.

NEFA provides:

Service hours:

Office Hours: M – Th 9am – 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Client needs to be accepted to treatment by a clinician

Waiting time: Less than a month for appointments Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

New England Region of Narcotics Anonymous

Phone: 1-866-NA-HELP-U (1-866-624-3578)

Email: info@newenglandna.org Website: www.nerna.org/

NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. They are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. NA is a program of total abstinence from all drugs. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using.

This website contains information for addicts and professionals about Narcotics Anonymous in the New England Region of NA. The New England Region currently encompasses most of Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and Rhode Island.

You can call their helpline 1-866-NA-HELP-U (I-866-624-3578) or attend a meeting (in-person and virtual).

Service hours:

Hotline is 24/7; Meetings as listed on website

Languages: English, Spanish, & Vietnamese

New Horizons Medical

285 Main St
Fitchburg, ma 01420
Intake: 888-999-2041
General Phone: 978-488-0889

Website: newhorizonsmedical.org

They offer low-cost mental health, substance use, and psychiatry treatment, and accept most health plans in Massachusetts which often makes treatment almost free to patients with qualified insurance.

At New Horizons Medical, we believe in the power of healing and the importance of providing compassionate care to those in need. We are dedicated to improving the lives of our patients by offering evidence-based treatment and utilizing the latest medical advancements. We are committed to ethical and responsible conduct in all of our actions, and strive to be a trusted leader in the medical community. We are dedicated to making a difference in the world and will always put the needs of our patients first.

Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am -5pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm

Other Locations:


358 Harvard Street,

Brookline, MA 02446

Tel:  617-202-9222

Fax: 617-879-0933



214 Howard St,

Framingham, MA 01702

Tel:  508-872-0700

Fax: 508-872-0773



222 Blossom St, EXT,

Lynn, MA 01901

Tel:  781-584-4645

Fax: 781-842-1379



62 Brown St,

Unit 505,

Haverhill, MA 01830

Tel:  978-361-9993

Fax: 978-361-9994



500 Congress St,

Unit 2G,

Quincy, MA 02169

Tel:  617-481-6949

Fax: 617-481-6254

Requirements & Restrictions:


Nicholas and Mattie Center for the Homeless

12 Madison Street Hyde Park
Boston, ma 02136
Phone: (860) 840-8774
Fax: (857) 345-9599

Email: NicholasandMattieCFH@outlook.com Website: www.nicholasandmattiecfh.org/

Assistance with: Food, Clothing, Housing, Referral Services, Transportation to and from doctor appointments, In home care for the elderly and Veterans, Pampers and Housing Supplies for those moving in a new apartment.

Service hours:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 6pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Clients must fill out an application for their services. Verification of homelessness or need will be requested, verification of identity, proof of income and proof of residency.

Waiting time: Allow 14 business days for non-emergency requests Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole

North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center (NSC)

1 Michelangelo Street
Boston, ma 02113
Phone: 617-523-8125

Email: mariastella.gulla@bostonabcd.org Website: bostonabcd.org/location/north-end-west-end-nsc/


In addition, Seniors enjoy a number of programs including a drop-in senior center, health, exercise, and wellness classes, social activities, discounted taxi vouchers, and a supermarket shuttle.

They provide hot meals on Mondays and Fridays, as well as snacks 3 times a week, primarily for seniors, people who are disabled or homeless.

Additionally, they offer a range of educational presentations; job readiness programs; assistance with your search for affordable housing; assistance with your health insurance application (Medicare Part B); translation and interpretation services in Italian, Mandarin, and Turkish, and notary services.

During the holidays, they can provide holiday meals, gifts, and participation in their Adopt-a-Family program.

Service hours:

Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm

Other Locations:

Boston Public Library, West End Branch
151 Cambridge St.
Boston, MA 02114

Requirements & Restrictions:

Low income residents of Boston for most programs. Bring I.D. and proof of income for your first visit.

Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Turkish Transportation Google Maps

Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation

56 Warren St
Suite 200
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: (617) 427-3599

Email: info@nuestracdc.org Website: www.nuestracdc.org/

Nuestra Comunidad is devoted to building the wealth and enhancing the physical, economic, and social well-being of Roxbury and other underserved populations in greater Boston through a community-driven process that promotes self-sufficiency and neighborhood revitalization.



On The Rise, Inc.

341 Broadway
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 617-497-7968
Fax: 617-492-9814

Email: info@ontherise.org Website: www.ontherise.org
Who to Contact: Community Advocate Services:

On The Rise is a day program for women and trans/nonbinary individuals currently experiencing or recovering from homeless. We provide tangible, day-to-day essentials in our Safe Haven, including showers, breakfast and lunch, mail, toiletries, computers, a nap room, and more. Our team of Advocates work closely with people on a wide variety of issues, ranging from employment, substance use, mental health, physical health, moving logistics, applying for housing, legal issues/court, and more. For those with the fewest options, we cultivate long-term relationships that foster safety and belonging. Guided by the strength and initiative of our program participants, we join their journey to wellbeing, as skilled partners and advocates.

Service hours:

Monday, Wednesday - Friday: 8:30am-3:30pm
Tuesday: 12pm-3:30pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

If you have not visited them or used their services before, they ask that you complete a low-threshold intake with one of their Advocates. There is no formal referral process to engage with their program.

Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole Transportation Google Maps

On with Living and Learning, Inc. (OWLL)

Website: onwithlivingandlearning.org/

OWLL is a grassroots collective of BIPOC, White, and Differently Abled Artists who commit their art for racial and social justice. They bring together underrepresented voices from Boston’s urban communities in leadership workshops that culminate in theatre productions celebrating their cultural heritage and social experiences. Their collective works with community partners to ensure a focus on the social justice issues most relevant to the participants and serves as a basis for deep community listening, transformation, and the development of a new narrative for the participant’s and their community’s future

Out For Good, Inc.

925 Washington St.
Dorchester , ma 02124
Phone: (617) 980-8835
Fax: (617) 708-0296

Email: Info@outforgoodinc.com Website: www.outforgoodinc.com
Who to Contact: Christopher E. Conway Services: Service hours:

M-F 9am-7pm

Other Locations:

1773 Dorchester Ave Suite 2c Dorchester, MA. 02124

Languages: English Transportation Google Maps

Parenting Journey

366 Somerville Avenue
Somerville, ma 02143
Phone: 617-628-8815

Website: parentingjourney.org/

Parenting Journey focuses on partnering with parents to build stronger families by developing their inner strengths, life skills, and networks of resources they need to succeed.

In a Parenting Journey program, a small group of parents and caregivers meet for 2 hours a week for 12 or 14 weeks. The program includes activities, discussions, a family-style meal, and complimentary childcare. During the final session, family and friends are invited to attend a Graduation Ceremony. At this celebration, Parenting Journeys honor the participation, accomplishments, and strengths of each program participant.

Parenting Journey Programs:
Parenting Journey I
Parenting Journey for Fathers
-Parenting Journey in Recovery
Parenting in America
Parenting Journey II

Program Features:
Nutritious Meal – Start each session with a family-style meal while connecting with others in the group.
Childcare – Onsite childcare is provided during each session.
Group Participation – Each session will include group activities and discussion. Participants can share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings in an environment of safety, trust, and respect.
Supportive Facilitation – In its non-judgmental program model, facilitators are trained professionals who engage fully, as equals. They strive to create an atmosphere that promotes open and honest discussion.

Please note that there are currently no groups scheduled on site at Parenting Journey offices; if you go to our website, you can send an email – or call us – and we will provide you with resources to find a Parenting Journey group near you in the Massachusetts area.

Other Locations:

New York Office
225 W. 35th Street, Suite 301
New York, NY 10001
(212) 430-5909

Requirements & Restrictions:

No matter your origins, no matter what your background, you are welcome at Parenting Journey. They work with mothers, fathers, and caregivers from all walks of life, raising children of all ages. Only parents based in MA can participate in our virtual groups.

Languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Parents Helping Parents of Massachusetts

108 Water St.
Watertown, ma 02742
Phone: 617-926-5008
24/7 Hotline: 1-800-632-8188

Email: info@parentshelpingparents.org Website: www.parentshelpingparents.org/

Parents Helping Parents (PHP) prevention philosophy is grounded in a self-help model based on the belief that parents are capable of developing their own solutions when given the space, encouragement, and community resource they need. Thus, it is the parents themselves who decide the direction a conversation will take during a Parent Support Group meeting or Parent Stress Line.



Waiting time: Hotline: 2 minutes; Groups: none Languages: Translation services available for Parental Stress Line calls.

Parole Regional Reentry Centers

60 Clayton Street
1st Floor
Dorchester, ma 02122
Phone: (617) 376-6260

Website: www.mass.gov/service-details/inmate-reentry-programs

The Massachusetts Parole Board operates regional reentry centers across the state. These centers help inmates make the transition from prison to the community. Staff help released inmates to:

These centers are open to released inmates with no post-release supervision. If you are a released inmate, members of their department may be able to bring you to the reentry center closest to your release address. This program is also available to former inmates at any time after they are released.

Other Locations:


Regions 1 and 2
60 Clayton Street, 1st Floor, Dorchester, MA 02122
(617) 376-6260

Region 3
100 Willow St., Lynn MA 01902
(978) 750-1900

Region 4
340 Main Street, Suite 380, Worcester 01608
(508) 753-7252

Region 5
436 Dwight Street, Springfield 01103

Region 6
499 Essex Street, 1st Floor, Lawrence 01840
(978) 687-6342

Region 7
231 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Brockton 02301
(508) 587-0987

Region 8
1204 Purchase Street, New Bedford 02740
(508) 999-4820

Region 9
188 Concord Street, 2nd Floor, Framingham 01702
(508) 875-0621

Transportation Google Maps

Pathways For Change, Inc.

588 Main Street
Worcester, ma 01608
Phone: 508-852-7600
Hotline: 800-870-5905
ASL Video Phone: 508-502-7681

Website: https://pathwaysforchange.help/pfc/

Provides inclusive and fully accessible services to those whose lives have been impacted by sexual violence along with education geared toward ending sexual violence, across Central Massachusetts.

Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline is open 24/7.

Paulist Center

5 Park Street
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-742-4460
Fax: 617-720-5756

Email: Info@paulistcenter.org Website: www.paulistcenter.org/get-involved/social-justice/

The Wednesday Night Supper Club 
Free hot meals served every Wednesday at 6pm.

Emergency Food Pantry
Open every non-holiday Tuesday afternoon, 1:30pm-3pm, for those with an immediate, critical need for food. If there are 5 Tuesdays in a month, the food pantry is closed on the 5th Tuesday. The food pantry is located on the first floor, two doors down from the reception area. One visit for one grocery bag a month is the operating guideline.

Service hours:

See above

Requirements & Restrictions:

Photo ID with a Boston-vicinity area address. One visit for one grocery bag a month is the operating guideline.

Transportation Google Maps

Pilgrim Church

540 Columbia Road
Dorchester, ma 02125
Phone: 617-282-0456

Email: pastor@pilgrimchurch1862.org Website: www.pilgrimchurch1862.org/
Services: Languages: English, ASL Transportation Google Maps

Pine Street Inn

444 Harrison Avenue
Boston, ma 02118
General Information: 617-892-9100

Email: info@pinestreetinn.org Website: www.pinestreetinn.org/

Pine Street Inn partners with homeless individuals to help them move from the streets and shelter to a home, and assists formerly homeless individuals in retaining housing. They provide street outreach, emergency services, supportive housing, job training and connections to employment.


COVID-19 Updates 

Other Locations:

Women’s Inn at Pine Street:
363 Albany Street, Boston

Shattuck Shelter:
170 Morton Street, Jamaica Plain

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be homeless; Ages 25 and older only; Alcohol/drugs/drug paraphernalia/weapons are not permitted on premises. Unregistered sex offenders are prohibited from the premises.

Waiting time: Depends on availability Languages: English, Spanish Transportation Google Maps

Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts

1055 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, ma 02215
Phone: 800-258-4448

Email: customerservice@pplm.org Website: www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-massachusetts

The mission of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is to ensure every person in the state has access to sexual and reproductive health care and education no matter who they are, where they live, or who they love.

Health services:

Call 800-258-4448, option 2, or click here to schedule an appointment.

Service hours:

Hours vary by location. Visit website for more information.

Other Locations:

Central MA Health Center:
470 Pleasant Street
Worcester MA 01609

Western MA Health Center:
3550 Main Street
Springfield MA 01107

Metro West Health Center:
91 Main Street
Marlborough MA 01752

Requirements & Restrictions:

Some appointments require parental consent for minors.

Waiting time: Varies. Languages: Translation services are offered for most languages. Transportation Google Maps

Prison Book Program

1306 Hancock Street
Suite 100
Quincy, ma 02169
Phone: 617-423-3298

Email: info@prisonbookprogram.org Website: prisonbookprogram.org/resources/request-books/

Prison Book Program is a nonprofit organization in Quincy, MA that sends packages of free, hand-selected books to incarcerated readers in all 50 states. Requestors write letters to us with the kinds of books they like to read, and volunteers select books from our library and package the books for the mail at our weekly volunteer sessions (typically 4 per week). We specifically welcome the expertise and insight of formerly incarcerated people and returning citizens. Our volunteer sessions are a fun, friendly way to get involved, help others, and put your knowledge about the prison and/or jail system to good use.

Anyone can sign up for a volunteer spot on our website: www.prisonbookprogram.org (click “volunteering”) or at www.bostoncares.org.

Service hours:

We typically hold volunteer sessions four times a week, usually Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. There are fewer sessions during the summer months. Please consult our volunteer schedule online to check that a session is happening.

Other Locations:

There are dozens of groups like this one across America. See the website for a list. http://prisonbookprogram.org/resources/other-books-to-prisoners-programs/

Requirements & Restrictions:

None. We welcome all volunteers.

Waiting time: 2-3 months Languages: Our volunteer program is conducted mostly in English, but we carry books in many languages and receive requests in many languages as well. Volunteers who speak languages other than English are welcome. Transportation Google Maps

ProCon.org: Voting Rights

Phone: 312-347-7491

Email: procon@eb.com Website: felonvoting.procon.org

Ex-offender voting restrictions in Massachusetts: Individuals incarcerated for a felony conviction are ineligible to vote. Voting rights are automatically restored upon release from prison, and people on parole or probation can vote in Massachusetts. For more information, visit: https://felonvoting.procon.org/

Ex-offenders should re-register to vote. To register, visit link below.

To check on your voting eligibility and/or register to vote*: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ovr/

Languages: English

Project Hope

550 Dudley Street
Boston, ma 02119
Phone: 617-442-1880

Email: info@prohope.org Website: www.prohope.org/
Who to Contact: Main Office Services:

Project Hope is a multi-service agency at the forefront of efforts in Boston to move families up and out of poverty. They provide low-income women with children access to education, jobs, housing, and emergency services.


Although our building is closed for now, they are here for you. Just call 617-442-1880 or email info@prohope.org.

Click here for COVID-19 resources.

Service hours:

M – F: 9am – 5pm

Languages: Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cape Verdean Creole Transportation Google Maps

Project Place

1145 Washington Street
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-542-3740 x 434
Fax: 617-542-3860
Email: bcarter@projectplace.org Website: projectplace.org/
Who to Contact: Beth Carter, Director of Re-Entry Services and Programs Services:

Project Place Re-entry Services and Programs provide a path to success and self-sufficiency for men and women returning to the community after incarceration.  Through a sense of belonging to the Project Place community that maintains high standards of accountability, participants can thrive as they pursue their goal of stabilization through employment.

Employment, Job Training, & Resource Services

Project Place Re-entry works with residents, residential facilities and agencies within Suffolk County and the expansive surrounding communities.  They help all who are re-enter the community and need help in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

Project Place utilizes programs and curriculum developed specifically for individuals returning from incarceration and/or those who are system impacted.  Courses include Financial Math and Budgeting for Society, Anger Management, Family Reunification and other educational resources.  The Re-entry team provides individualized case management while assessing the needs of each person. Their services included guidance for obtaining identification and documentation, health insurance, assisting with housing, including transitional housing, and employment.

Project Place has a full Career Services Department that works closely with their Re-entry Department for their clients and focuses on each individual client and partnering employers.  Career Services and the Re-entry Departments at Project Place are practiced in overcoming the hurdles of CORI challenges and windows in work history

Community Re-entry for Women (CREW) provides job readiness and life skills training to incarcerated women at the Suffolk County House of Correction. Through linking the participants with case management, career coaching and health care, the program seeks to foster the strength and independence of participants in preparation for positive re-entry into the community. This program is only available to incarcerated females at the SCHOC.  Upon release, the women are welcomed to the Project Place community and continue to work with a case manager for programming and support services.

Stabilization Programing Around Recovery and Resiliency Coaching (SPARRC) is one of several entry points into Project Place and is essential for many people before they begin job training.  The program is for those who desire change but aren’t quite prepared for or ready to commit to the Re-entry curriculum or Work Ready. Covered topics include:

Work Ready: WORK READY is a 4-week job-readiness training program focused on the basics of preparing clients for a successful job search. Clients will learn to develop resumes, write cover letters, perform a focused job search, & prepare for the interview process. In addition, clients will attend a weekly computer class. Upon completion of the program, clients will be assigned a career coach/case manager to assist with job search and provide ongoing support & resources. Classes are presently held virtually.

Further Credentialing: Project Place offers a 4-week Customer Service Training with Professional Certification in Customer Service through the National Retail Federation Foundation. They also offer a 4-week practicum focused on daily guided job search with the express goal of employment for clients who complete Customer Service credentialing. ServSafe, an industry-recognized certification in food safety is offered regularly. OSHA training is offered on an occasional basis as well.

Social Enterprises: Project Place operates three businesses. These enterprises provide transitional employment for clients for up to 3 months at starting pay of $13.50/hr. Individuals apply to be hired. Their social enterprises provide an opportunity to fill gaps in work history & gain references while pursuing permanent employment with the support of a case manager. To be considered for hire into one of their enterprises, clients must first complete Work Ready.


All programs are CORI friendly.

Transportation: Silver Line: East Berkeley St.; Red Line: Broadway.

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Languages: English, Limited Spanish Transportation Google Maps

REACH Beyond Domestic Violence

PO Box 540024
Waltham, ma 02454
Office: 781-891-0724 Ext, 101
Hotline: 1- 800-899-4000

Email: info@reachma.org Website: reachma.org/

REACH comes at the issues and complexity of domestic violence from several directions simultaneously. They provide a variety of free and confidential supportive direct services for anyone experiencing domestic violence. You do not need to leave a relationship in order to receive help from REACH.

If you are interested in learning more about their services, please give them a call at 781-891-0724. If this is an emergency, please call their hotline at 800-899-4000.


Service hours:


Waiting time: The hotline is 24/7 and individual advocacy services are available by appointment during business hours (M-F, 9-5) Languages: Most services can be provided in English and Spanish. The Language Line is used when someone speaks another language than those two.

Registry Division, City of Boston

1 City Hall Square
Room 213
Boston, ma 02201-2006
Phone: 617-635-4175
Fax: 617-635-3775

Email: registry@boston.gov Website: www.boston.gov/registry
Who to Contact: Boston Registrar for Birth, Death and Marriage Services:

Registry: Birth, Death, and Marriage

They have information on how to get a birth certificate, how to get a death certificate, how to get a marriage certificate, and how to get married.

Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 4pm

Transportation Google Maps


PO Box 555
Somerville, ma 02143
Office: 617-625-5996
Support Line: 617-623-5900

Email: info@respondinc.org Website: www.respondinc.org

RESPOND provides emergency shelter and a range of support services and educational programs to thousands of survivors of domestic violence each year including adults, children, and teens regardless of gender, race, religion, age, or other characteristics. RESPOND staff work with survivors of domestic violence to address their immediate and long-term needs, providing emotional support, counseling, financial resources, information, and referrals. Through RESPOND’s programs, individuals and families in crisis develop the concrete tools necessary to regain control of their own lives – from parenting skills and housing search to financial literacy, and the hands-on experience of advocating for themselves. Services are free, confidential, and currently offered in multiple languages.

RESPOND’s Supportive Services are available to all victims and survivors of domestic violence. They include:

RESPOND’s emergency shelter location is kept confidential to ensure the safety of program participants. Services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. RESPOND’s shelter is wheelchair accessible, and ADA approved. Its spacious Children’s Learning Center offers a safe, colorful play space and programs that promote learning, encourage parental involvement, and connect children and teens to local in- and out-of-school enrichment activities. The average length of stay for residents is 4 months. RESPOND is proud to accept women and men (or any gender identity) into shelter as well as parents with teenage boys – a rarity in Massachusetts.

Service hours:

Business office hours: Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm
Support and Intake Line: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm; At all other times, callers can be connected to state and federal hotlines.

Other Locations:

S.A.F.E.R. Program Suffolk County House of Correction at 20 Bradston St Boston, MA, 02118

Waiting time: None Languages: English, Spanish, Amharic, Portuguese, Haitian Creole,

Rian Immigrant Center

One State Street
8th Floor
Boston, ma 02109
Phone: (617) 542-7654
Fax: (617) 542-7655

Website: www.riancenter.org/

Rian Immigrant Center has a vision of a shared society where all are welcomed and valued, and enjoy equal opportunities and protections. By embracing their Irish traditions of hospitality and social justice, they empower more than 3,500 immigrant and refugee families from over 120 different countries every year with a comprehensive range of support services.

Services include:

For updates on COVID-19, click here.

Languages: Albanian, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Haitian Creole, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Right Turn

440 Arsenal Street
Watertown, ma 02472
Phone: (781) 646 3800
Phone (Intake): (781) 646-3800, ext 101

Email: cynthia.wachs@right-turn.org Website: right-turn.net/

Right Turn provides a broad range of evidence-based treatment programs for individuals, and families recovering from substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders.


Requirements & Restrictions:

All programs and services are covered by certain Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tufts Health Plan and other private insurance carriers. Please call for more information.

Roca, Inc.

101 Park Street
Chelsea, ma 02150
Phone: 617-889-5210
Fax: 617-889-2145

Email: chelsea@rocainc.com Website: rocainc.org/

Roca’s mission is to be a relentless force in disrupting incarceration, poverty, and racism by engaging the young adults, police, and systems at the center of urban violence in relationships to address trauma, find hope and drive change.


Covid-19 Update

Other Locations:

845 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02119

52 Andrew Street
Lynn, MA 01901

29 School Street
Springfield, MA 01105

384 High Street
Holyoke, MA 01040

Transportation Google Maps

Rosie’s Place

889 Harrison Avenue
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-442-9322
Fax: 617-442-7825
Advocacy: 617-318-0237
Legal Helpline: 617-318-0271

Email: info@rosiesplace.org Website: www.rosiesplace.org/
Who to Contact: Front Desk Services:

The mission of Rosie’s Place is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for poor and homeless women to maintain their dignity, seek opportunity, and find security in their lives.

Food Programs

Emergency Services


Service hours:

Hours vary by program

Requirements & Restrictions:

Women and anyone who self-identifies as a woman.
Target population: homeless and low-income women

Waiting time: Varies Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Cape Verdean Creole, and Chinese. Language Line available for other languages. Transportation Google Maps

Roxbury Multi-Service Center

321 Blue Hill Avenue
Boston, ma 02121
Phone: 617-541-6859
Fax: 617-445-2125

Website: www.roxmulti.org/

Roxbury Multi-Service Center, Inc. (RMSC) serves children, adolescents, and their families within the communities surrounding their three locations. They’ve designed their behavioral health, education, and housing programs to respond to participants’ needs where resources are most effective.

Waiting time: Referrals are responded to within a 24 hour period Languages: English, Spanish, French, Cape Verdean, Haitian Creole Transportation Google Maps

Roxbury Youthworks, Inc.

841 Parker Street
Suites 104-106
Roxbury Crossing, ma 02120
Phone: 617-427-8095

Email: malvarado@roxburyyouthworks.org Website: www.roxburyyouthworks.org/index.html

Roxbury Youthworks, Inc.’s mission is to help youth caught in cycles of poverty, victimization and violence transition successfully into adulthood.


Languages: RYI's staff is multi-cultural and multi-lingual reflecting the culture and language of the youth and families they serve.


SafeLink 24/7 Hotline: 877-785-2020

Email: info@casamyrna.org Website: www.casamyrna.org/get-support/safelink/

SafeLink is Massachusetts’ statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline and a resource for anyone affected by domestic or dating violence. Each call is answered by a trained advocate who provides non-judgemental support, assistance with safety planning, and information on appropriate resources.


Service hours:


Languages: Advocates are bilingual in English and Spanish and have access to a service that can provide translation in more than 130 languages

Saint Cecilia Parish

18 Belvidere St.
Boston, ma 02115
Phone: 617-536-4548
Fax: 617-536-1781

Email: info@stceciliaboston.org Website: www.stceciliaboston.org

A Catholic parish where all are welcome.

Service hours:

Mass times:
Sat: 5:00 p.m.
Sun: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
*Their 9:30 a.m. Mass is also live-streamed and can be viewed on their website
Weekday Mass: Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 8:00 a.m.

Transportation Google Maps

Salvation Army Family Thrift Stores – Boston Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center

1500 Washington Street
Boston, ma 02118-2015
Website: https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/boston-kroc/

Salvation Army Boston Kroc

Experience all that the Boston Kroc has to offer. Enjoy access to classes and state-of-the-art equipment where you can focus on your fitness goals. Or explore how our arts, science and education, youth leadership, ministry, culinary arts, and other programs are helping our communities grow stronger. The Boston Kroc offers something for everyone.

The Salvation Army South End Corps
Annually, over 3,400 individuals are served through their emergency assistance programs

For more information on these services, please contact the South End Corps at 617-536-5260 or visit them at 1500 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118.

The Salvation Army also runs Family Thrift stores where you can score great deals on clothing, home goods, and electronics.

Other Locations:

Somerville Store
487 Broadway
Somerville, MA 02145

Transportation Google Maps


41 West Street
4th Floor
Boston, ma 02111
Helpline: 877-870-4673
Business Line: 617-536-2460

Email: info@samaritanshope.org Website: samaritanshope.org/

Samaritans’ mission is to reduce the incidence of suicide by alleviating despair, isolation, distress, and suicidal feelings among individuals in the community, 24 hours a day; to educate the public about suicide prevention; to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide, and to reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

Samaritans provides life-saving suicide prevention services throughout Greater Boston, MetroWest, and across Massachusetts. Their services are free, confidential, and nonjudgmental.


Learn more about their services during COVID-19 here.

Service hours:

Helpline: 24/7
Grief Support Services: SafePlace meetings will be held virtually via Zoom until further notice. Meetings will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:30-8pm.
Community Education & Outreach: Each week they hold a regularly scheduled suicide prevention workshop on Tuesdays at 2pm EST via zoom.

Transportation Google Maps

Senior Centers & Council on Aging (COA)

806 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge Senior Center
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: (617) 349-6220

Website: www.cambridgema.gov/DHSP/programsforadults/seniorscouncilonaging

The COA aims to promote and safeguard the health and independence of Cambridge seniors by providing information and referrals. The two senior centers provide a variety of services and classes including:

• Senior food pantry
• Counseling and support groups
• Vision and blood pressure screening
• Breakfast and lunch service
• Men’s group
• Computer classes
• Educational and recreational offerings

Service hours:

M 8:30 am - 8 pm
T-T 8:30 am - 5 pm
F 8:30 am - 12 pm

Other Locations:

North Cambridge Senior Center

2050 Massachusetts Ave.  Cambridge, MA. 02140

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be a senior over the age of 60

Social Security: Benefits After Incarceration

Phone: 1-800-772-1213
TTY: 1-800-325-0778

Website: www.ssa.gov/reentry/benefits.htm?

An individual released from incarceration may be eligible for Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability benefits if they have worked or paid into Social Security enough years. An individual released from incarceration may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits if they are 65 or older, are blind, or have a disability and have little or no income and resources. If you believe you qualify, call our toll-free telephone number, 1-800-772-1213 to schedule an appointment. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call TTY 1-800-325-0778.

Solutions at Work

1151 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, ma 02138
Phone: 617-576-0039

Email: solutwork@gmail.com Website: solutionsatwork.org/

Solutions at Work is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness by providing individuals and families with resources and opportunities to strengthen their self-confidence, achieve self-sufficiency, and participate in helping others.




Service hours:

Office open by appointment only Tuesday-Thursday 11am-3pm.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Masks required

Transportation Google Maps

Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experiences (SCALE)

167 Holland Street
Somerville, ma 02144

Email: Stephanie Santiago: SSantiago@k12.somerville.ma.us Website: www.somerville.k12.ma.us/adult-learning/scale
Who to Contact: Front Office: Annette Goodrich, 617-843-5406 Services:

SCALE’s mission is to provide adults opportunities to achieve their goals in a supportive, diverse, welcoming learning community through academic programming and guidance.

Service hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:00pm

Waiting time: Waitlist Languages: Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and French Transportation Google Maps

Somerville Homeless Coalition

1 Davis Square
Somerville, ma 02144
Phone: 617-623-6111

Email: info@shcinc.org Website: www.somervillehomelesscoalition.org/

The mission of the Somerville Homeless Coalition is to provide homeless and nearly homeless individuals and families with individualized supportive services and tailored housing solutions with the goal of obtaining and maintaining affordable housing.


Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm

Languages: English, Spanish

South Boston Neighborhood House & Senior Center

136 H St
South Boston, ma 02127
Phone: (617) 268-1619 ext. 301

Email: csullivan@sbnh.org Website: www.sbnh.org/senior-services
Who to Contact: Carole Sullivan Services:

South Boston Neighborhood House and Senior Center aim to reduce isolation by offering activities and services that maintain dignity, health, independence, and self-confidence for seniors. These services aim to enhance physical, intellectual, and creative well-being through exercise, interaction, technology, and art classes. Services include:

Health and Information Programming:
• Yoga
• Weight listing
• Exercise
• Dance
• Bowling
• Health seminars

Recreational Programming:
• Bingo
• Games and movies
• Shopping
• Special events
• Holiday parties
• Trips

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic programming has been limited. Please call ahead for details.

Service hours:

COVID Hours: 8:30am - 1:00pm (with limited programming)

Spectrum Health Systems

10 Mechanic St
Suite 302
Worcester, ma 01608
Phone: 1-877-697-3422

Website: www.spectrumhealthsystems.org/
Inpatient Services
Outpatient Services
Adolescent Services
Peer Recovery Support

St. Francis House

39 Boylston Street
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-542-4211
Fax: 617-542-4705

Email: info@stfrancishouse.org Website: stfrancishouse.org/

Since 1984, St. Francis House has offered basic care and services that make the difference between hope and despair, and often between life and death.


COVID-19 Updates 

Service hours:

Hours vary depending on program. Call or visit website for details.

Languages: English, Spanish

St. James Helping Hands Food Pantry

364 Rindge Avenue
Cambridge, ma 02140
Email: foodpantry@stjamescambridge.org Website: www.stjamescambridge.org/ministries-1

Helping Hand Food Pantry operates on the second Saturday of each month from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Fresh Pond Apartments, 364 Rindge Avenue, offering a wide variety of fresh, frozen, and packaged grocery items to those in need of them.

In the new age of COVID-19, they have instituted new safety procedures and now provide each guest with individual bags of produce and boxes of dry goods rather than inviting guests in to browse.

Donations of unexpired canned and packaged food goods and cleaning supplies (e.g., hand sanitizer) can be dropped off at their location. Drop-off hours are on the second Friday of each month from 10am-12pm and the second Saturday of each month from 7:30-9:30am.

Service hours:

9:30am-12:30pm on the second Saturday of each month

Languages: Spanish

St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children

90 Cushing Avenue
Dorchester, ma 02125
Phone: 617-436-8600
Fax: 617-288-8961

Email: contact@stmaryscenterma.org Website: stmaryscenterma.org/

St. Mary’s Center offers a wide variety of programs for women and children. St. Mary’s serves as a safety net for vulnerable families and children–providing a haven and home as well as life-changing programs and services.


COVID-19 Update 

Steppingstone Incorporated

123 Durfee St
Fall River, ma 02720
See website for programming contact information:

Website: www.steppingstoneinc.org/

Steppingstone Incorporated’s mission is to strengthen quality of life among individuals and families of our community through providing comprehensive client-center programs and services that enhance well-being and promote independence.

Offering various programming including:

Other Locations:

See website for programming location details

STEPRox Recovery Support Center

153 Blue Hill Ave
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-442-7837
Fax: 617-445-3573

Email: nmiksch@northsuffolk.org Website: facebook.com/StepRoxRecoverySupportCenter/
Who to Contact: Nathan Miksch, Assistant Director Services:

STEPRox is a peer-led, non-clinical support center that offers social and peer support for those with Substance Use Disorder. We have Recovery Coaches, as well as many groups that
engage, educate, and support our members as they seek their own personal path to lasting recovery, while also offering volunteer opportunities that help members gain the skills and
confidence necessary to build a life free of the bonds of addiction.

Service hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm

Stop It Now! Helpline

351 Pleasant St
Suite B-319
Northampton, ma 01060
Helpline: 1-888-PREVENT
Non-Helpline: 413-587-3500

Website: www.stopitnow.org

The Stop It Now! Helpline is a safe place to talk with professionals, knowledgeable in the field of child sexual abuse prevention. Staff will provide you with accurate information and guidance for responding to warning signs and creating safe environments for children and adolescents. The Helpline can direct you to professional resources and support you use as you develop a plan to address your concerns. They offer understanding and compassion, as well as the steps and resources for preventing child sexual abuse.

Please be aware that the Helpline does not offer legal advice, therapy, or carry out investigations of any kind. If you need legal advice or counsel, please consult an attorney directly. They have a limited list of legal resources that can help direct you. They are not clinicians, and are not able to offer therapy, case management or individual case advocacy. Please see our specialized treatment resources. They are not a reporting agency or affiliated with sex offender registries. They are not a crisis line.

They also offer online trainings called Circle of Safety. Circles of Safety (COS) is Stop It Now!’s signature training series. These trainings are designed for adults to prevent child sexual abuse in youth-serving environments, such as schools, foster care programs, after-school programs, camps and daycares. Trainings can be delivered as webinars, community workshops and comprehensive multi-day organizational trainings, including trainer certifications.

Stop It Now! provides a skill-based, confidence-raising and action-planning educational experience. This is not a passive training about responding to abuse that has already happened; this is an educational session on actively keeping children safe wherever they learn, play and grow.

Straight Ahead Ministries

88 Tremont St, 5th Floor
Boston, ma 02108
Phone: 617-697-1749

Email: isweeting@straightahead.org Website: www.straightahead.org/reentry
Who to Contact: Ivy Sweeting Services:

Reentry services for young men and women transitioning out of DYS or adult prisons or jails back into Boston

Service hours:


STRIVE – Boston Employment Services, Inc.

651 Washington Street
Dorchester, ma 02124
Phone: 617-825-1800

Email: epowell@jri.org Website: jri.org/services/community/strive

STRIVE Boston is a Workforce Readiness program that provides virtual training services. They envision a world where everyone has the opportunity to achieve economic self-sufficiency, dignity, and a promising future. STRIVE Boston helps people with barriers to employment realize their potential to find and keep jobs that promise sustainable livelihoods and personal growth.

Please note that the bulk of their services are now being offered virtually. In-person services are provided by appointment at their JRI Health site, which is located at 75R Amory Street in Boston.

STRIVE’s Programs

Service hours:

9am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Valid U.S ID required, documents that establish employment eligibility, and must speak English

Transportation Google Maps

The Bridge Program

Community Learning Center
5 Western Avenue
Cambridge, ma 02139
Phone: 857-285-3217

Email: eleanor@cambridgeclc.org Website: www.cambridgema.gov/DHSP/programsforadults/communitylearningcenter.aspx

The Bridge to College program prepares adult students to succeed in college-level courses. Participants work on their reading, writing, math, computer, and study skills. Students who successfully complete the Bridge to College Program:

The Fall 2021 Bridge to College Program will run from September 2021 through June 2022.

Classes meet from 6: 15 – 9:15 p.m.

Click here to view the flyer

Questions? Contact Eleanor Stafford, program coordinator, or text/call 857-285-3217.

Requirements & Restrictions:

You must have a GED, HISET or a high school diploma. (Foreign high school diplomas must be translated into English)

Cambridge residents have priority

Transportation Google Maps

The Dimock Center

55 Dimock Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-442-8800

Email: info@dimock.org Website: www.dimock.org/

The Dimock Center provides the residents of Boston with convenient access to high quality, low-cost health care, and human services.


Service hours:

Mon - Fri 9-5pm

Other Locations:

Educational Facility:
1800 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury

Waiting time: Open-enrollment Transportation Google Maps

The Engagement Center

26 Atkinson St
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-534-2730

Email: 311@boston.gov Website: contactform.boston.gov/departments/new-urban-mechanics/engagement-center#content

The EC provides a safe place for individuals to:

The EC spaces offers guests access to:

The Federation for Children with Special Needs

529 Main Street
Suite 1M3
Boston, ma 02129
Phone: 617-236-7210
Phone (in MA): 800-331-0688
Fax: 617-241-0330

Email: info@fcsn.org, fcsninfo@fcsn.org Website: fcsn.org/

The Federation currently oversees over 15 projects related to supporting families whose children have special educational needs and special healthcare needs, as well as families of culturally and economically underserved populations by promoting family engagement within general education.  The projects are organized into five “Centers” by the primary type of service offered to families and are described below.


Requirements & Restrictions:

The Federation provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities.

Transportation Google Maps

The Home for Little Wanderers

10 Guest Street
Boston, ma 02135
Phone: 617-267-3700

Website: www.thehome.org/

The Home for Little Wanderers helps build stable lives and hopeful futures for children who are abused, neglected or at-risk. The Home for Little Wanderers ensures their emotional, social, educational and physical well-being from birth to age 26 through a dedicated team of professionals and a wide range of critical services.


The Mayor’s Office of Returning Citizens

22 Drydock Avenue
Suite 301
Boston, ma 02210
Phone: 617-635-5333

Email: ORC@boston.gov Website: Boston.gov/returningcitizens

The Office of Returning Citizens offers support to those who return to Boston after being released from state, federal, and county facilities each year. They connect returning citizens to the following resources and services:

• Birth certificates
• ID cards
• Employment
• Health services
• Legal services
• Recovery services
• Senior resources
• Voter registration

They also provide assistance with Transitional Housing (Sober Living), Workforce Development & Employment, Education, and Healthcare.

Service hours:

The Mayor's Office of Returning Citizens can be reached at anytime via email.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be releasing from incarceration and returning to Boston

The Network – La Red

P.O. Box 6011
Boston, ma 02114
Main Office: 617-695-0877
Hotline (Voice): 617-742-4911
Hotline (Toll-free): 800-832-1901
Hotline (TTY): 617-227-4911

Email: info@tnlr.org Website: tnlr.org/en/

The Network provides a variety of services for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community experiencing partner abuse. The organization also provides assistance and referrals to LGBT community members. The web site is in English and Spanish, is kept up-to-date, and has information helpful to the LGBT community.


Housing Pathways Program:

During both phases, participants can receive a wide range of services, such as advocacy, referrals, supportive counseling, and support group

Support Groups:

Service hours:

Hotline is 24/7

Requirements & Restrictions:

Target population is battered members of LBT (lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) communities. Will also assist and provide referrals for gay and bisexual men.

Languages: Spanish, English Transportation Google Maps

Therapy Matcher

Phone: 617-720-2828
Toll-free: 1-800-242-9794

Email: info@therapymatcher.org Website: www.therapymatcher.org/

Therapy Matcher is a free, confidential telephone referral service offered by the National Association of Social Workers, MA Chapter. Provides professional, personalized counseling referrals matched for location, specialty, and insurance or fee requirements.

Service hours:

Call or email any time, and a staff person will get back to you.

Trans Club of New England (TCNE)

P.O. Box 540071
Waltham, ma 02454-0071
Phone: 781-891-9325
Fax: 781-899-3562

Email: info@tcne.org Website: tcne.org/

The Trans Community of New England (TCNE) is a Boston area transgender support organization for the transgender community.

You can find information about Workshops here.

Service hours:

Call on Tuesdays, from 7pm – 9pm or on Saturdays, from 7pm – 11pm to get a live voice

Requirements & Restrictions:

Target population: transgender community.

Union of Minority Neighborhoods

42 Seaverns Avenue
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-942-7577
Fax: 617-522-3351

Website: unionofminorityneighborhoods.org/

Union of Minority Neighborhoods (UMN) is committed to fully engaging and training communities of color to be active participants rebuilding their communities.

UMN organizes and trains people of color and low-income people to end discriminatory policies and practices that limit their access to political, economic and social power.


Service hours:

M - F, 9am - 5pm

Transportation Google Maps

United South End Settlements

48 Rutland Street
Boston, ma 02118
Phone (Admin): 617-375-8150

Email: info@uses.org Website: www.uses.org/

At USES, they offer programs that support the whole family in achieving economic mobility.


Service hours:

M - F 8am - 6pm. Call or visit website for class schedule.

Transportation Google Maps

United Way’s 211 Helpline

Phone : 211 or 877-211-6277

Website: mass211.org/

Mass 211 is an easy to remember telephone number that connects callers to information about critical health and human services available in their community. It serves as a resource for finding government benefits and services, nonprofit organizations, support groups, volunteer opportunities, donation programs, and other local resources. Always a confidential call, Mass 211 maintains the integrity of the 9-1-1 system saving that vital community resource for life and death emergencies.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Mass 211 is an easy way to find or give help in your community.

Mass 211 responds immediately during times of crisis, to field calls regarding the crisis and to direct callers to services most appropriate for their needs. If you are unable to reach 2-1-1 due to your telephone or cell phone carrier, a toll-free number is available 1-877-211-MASS (6277).

211HELPSteps is the online platform of Mass211. From any desktop or mobile device, individuals can search and then connect to local health and human service resources across the Commonwealth. Programs that are included support basic needs such as food security, housing, childcare, transportation as well as resources for mental and emotional health.

Service hours:


Upham’s Corner Health Center

415 Columbia Road
Dorchester, ma 02125
Phone: 617-287-8000
Fax: 617-287-1500

Email: info@uphams.org Website: uphamscornerhealthcenter.org/
Who to Contact: Registration Services:

Health center and social services for adults and children. The health center provides a range of services including:

Service hours:

M – Th: 8:30am – 8pm; F: 10am – 5pm; Sat: 9am – 12:30pm

Other Locations:

Teen Clinic and HIV & Women, Infant and Children’s Program
415 Columbia Road, Dorchester MA 02125
Tel: 617-287-0786
Tel: 617-825-8994 (WIC)

Dental & Eye Care
636 Columbia Road, Dorchester MA 02125
Tel: 617-825-9839

Upham’s Elder Service Plan (UESP) / PACE
Savin Hill 1140 Dorchester Ave, MA 02125
Dudley Square 36 Dearborn Street MA 02119
Jackson Square 125A Amory St, Boston, MA 02119
UESP/PACE Tel: 617-288-0970

Requirements & Restrictions:

Dorchester residents

Waiting time: 7-10 days Languages: Spanish, English, Creole, Portuguese, French, Vietnamese, and Arabic Transportation Google Maps


Email: rohan@upsolve.org Website: upsolve.org/ma
Who to Contact: Rohan Pavuluri Services:

Upsolve is a nonprofit tool that helps individuals file for bankruptcy protection for free. Think TurboTax for bankruptcy protection. Use Upsolve to wipe away crushing debts from credit cards, job loss, and medical bills.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Upsolve users must have more than $10,000 in debt.

Waiting time: No wait time. Languages: English

Urban College of Boston

2 Boylston Street
2nd Floor
Boston, ma 02116
Phone (Admissions): 617-449-7070
Fax (Admissions): 617-423-4758

Website: www.urbancollege.edu/

Whether you are looking to grow in your current career or try something new, Urban College of Boston has a program for you. They offer affordable and flexible learning options in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Haitian Creole, so you can personalize your college experience to fit your needs and schedule.


Service hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 7pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

No international admissions. High School diploma required for an associate degree. High School diploma recommended for certificate program

Transportation Google Maps

Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts Inc

88 Warren Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-442-4519
Fax: 617-442-0562

Email: wmfwatkins@gmail.com Website: www.ulem.org
Who to Contact: William Watkins, Executive Director of Workforce Development Services:

Customer Service & Leadership Training (CSLT) – This training prepares participants for work through classroom learning and meaningful service activities. It is designed for people who are currently unemployed, have limited work experience, and want to be job-ready. The CSLT program gives graduates the work experience they need to build their resumes and promote their skills effectively. This is a Stipend eligible program.

Computer Literacy and Internet Knowledge (CLIK)- The CLIK curriculum is designed to help students learn how to become successful in an online learning environment. This program is for individuals who have some but limited computer skills and want to become computer savvy. Partnership with Tech Goes Home

Employment Resource Center (ERC) – The ERC provides resources and services to individuals that are looking to upscale their business or skills. The ERC is available to trainees, job seekers, entrepreneurs,  and students to apply for jobs or research for business opportunities. The space offers the flexibility for small business owners, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs to use as its office space. This center grants its members access to computers, internet, printer, fax, and copy machine.

MSIMBO Urban League Coding Academy – MSIMBO means “code” in Swahili, is the Urban League of Eastern MA (ULEM) Coding Boot Camp Training program. The Program is a 20-week full stack training for adults looking to become a computer programmer. The MSIMBO training program aims to open the door of opportunity for women and people of color to begin careers in the IT industry, and in so doing address the IT industries’ need for ethnically diverse, skilled workers. Students earn 14 credit hours towards a degree from Benjamin Franklin Institute Technology. Funded by Comcast, Verizon, BNY Mellon, and Bank of America. This is a stipend eligible program. Section 30 approved.

The Domestic and Sexual Violence Project for the Urban League of Eastern MA- This project is sponsored by the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)- partners, Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic Violence (expertise in Domestic Violence and Faith), The Center for Hope and Healing (expertise in Sexual Assault), Casa Myrna, (expertise in Domestic Violence and homelessness) and two of the Boston Police Departments Domestic Violence Consultants. This project is an education and action program designed specifically for Boston’s inner-city communities, to train service providers and clergy in culturally specific domestic and sexual violence intervention and prevention strategies. In addition, the project provides referrals and education to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence who are looking for support and referrals.

DigiUL: Urban League Digital Marketing Lab- A full-time 16-week program designed to teach all the fundamentals of graphic design, branding, marketing – both from the print and interactive perspective. At the end of the 16-week program, the knowledge gained can be used to land a job in the field working as a design professional, you will have a professional level portfolio- both print and online that will have been vetted by working professionals in the field and you will have had some working experience in the field. This is a stipend eligible program. Section 30 approved.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be 18 years or older with a valid ID and must have a GED or High School Equivalency

Waiting time: Call office for program wait times Transportation Google Maps

Urban Renewals

630 American Legion Highway
Roslindale, ma 02131
Phone: 617-522-7383

Website: www.familythrift.com/boston-ma
Services: Service hours:

Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun 12-5

Transportation Google Maps

V.A. Boston Healthcare System for Women Veterans

150 South Huntington Avenue
Boston, ma 02130
Phone: 1-800-865-3384

Email: Carolyn.MasonWholley@va.gov Website: www.va.gov/boston-health-care/health-services/women-veteran-care/
Who to Contact: Women Veterans Program Manager - Carolyn Mason Wholley LICSW Services:

VA Boston health care supports the health, welfare, and dignity of female Veterans and their families by ensuring equal access to timely, sensitive, and quality care. A women Veteran care coordinator can help you get the services you need.

Their women’s health program offers Women Veterans comprehensive care, including:

Other Locations:

West Roxbury VA Medical Center
1400 VFW Parkway
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Brockton VA Medical Center
940 Belmont Street
Brockton, MA 02301

Causeway VA Clinic
251 Causeway Street
Boston, MA 02114

Transportation Google Maps

VA Coaching Into Care Support Line

Phone: 888-823-7458

Website: www.mirecc.va.gov/mirecc/coaching/

Coaching Into Care is a free service for families and friends of Veterans. Our responders will briefly assess your concerns and provide appropriate resources and referrals. Through 10 to 30 minute calls, licensed psychologists and social workers offer guidance and help for starting conversations with the Veteran in your life about their mental health or substance use and motivating them to seek treatment if it’s needed.

Veronica B. Smith Senior Center

20 Chestnut Hill Ave
Boston, ma 02134
Phone: (617) 635-6120

Email: agestrong@boston.gov Website: www.boston.gov/departments/elderly-commission/veronica-b-smith-senior-center

The Veronica B. Smith Senior Center offers the following services and programs:

• Health and Nutrition Services: Fitness programs such as weekly exercise, wellness, and line dancing classes, educational workshops, and seminars pertaining to health and nutrition are also offered.

• Direct Services and Programming: A wide range of social services can be obtained at the Center, including special seminars and workshops on legal issues and government health benefits. Comprehensive programs targeted for seniors in the greatest economic and social needs are also in place.

• Public Information: Senior Spotlight is a monthly newsletter published and distributed by the Veronica Smith Senior Center with a circulation base of over 600 community seniors and dozens of community locations such as nursing homes and elderly housing. Topics include issues, upcoming programs and services available at the Center.


Service hours:

Everyday 8:30 am - 4 pm

Veterans Legal Services

P.O. Box 8457
Boston, ma 02114
Phone: 857-317-4474
Fax: 844-621-2797

Email: info@veteranslegalservices.org Website: veteranslegalservices.org/

Veterans Legal Services promotes equity in the accessing of justice by providing free and comprehensive civil legal aid services to economically disadvantaged military veterans in Massachusetts. VLS helps former service members obtain the stability and financial security necessary to live the healthy, happy, and dignified lives they deserve.

Available Legal Services

Online Screening Form

Service hours:

M - F 9am - 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

1) You served in the United States military, National Guard, or Reserves (any discharge status)

2) You currently reside in Massachusetts

3) Your household income is less than 300% of the federal poverty level

4) Your legal case must be based in Massachusetts

5)VLS must have topical expertise in your case subject matter

VLS does not provide services on criminal defense matters, Department of Children & Families cases, personal injury cases, or medical malpractice cases.

Transportation Google Maps

Victory Programs Inc.

965 Massachusetts Ave
Boston, ma 02118
Phone: 617-541-0222
Fax: 617-541-0094

Website: www.vpi.org/

Victory Programs opens doors to recovery, hope and community for individuals and families facing homelessness, addiction or other chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS. Services include short and long-term residential treatment programs for individuals and families, affordable housing opportunities for eligible individuals, HIV/AIDS case management and housing opportunities. They also offer HIV/HCV/STI testing and they have an HIV drop in center. Multiple sites located throughout Boston.

Transportation Google Maps

Volunteer Lawyers Project

7 Winthrop Square (Mailing address)
2nd Floor
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-423-0648
Fax: 617-423-0061

Email: info@vlpnet.org Website: www.vlpnet.org/

Free legal assistance to low-income residents of Greater Boston. Only civil cases in following areas: landlord/tenant, family law, guardianship, probate (wills and estates), bankruptcy, unemployment insurance, consumer debt, employment wage and hour violations, home ownership, and foreclosure prevention.

The Legal Resource Finder (LRF) will help you find out if VLP or some other legal aid program might be able to help you with your legal problem. It will also give you links to information that will help you to learn more about your legal issue. The LRF only includes information about civil – not criminal – issues. Click here for the Legal Resource Finder.

If you do not want to use the Legal Resource Finder, you can contact the Legal Advocacy Resource Center (LARC) Legal Advocacy and Resource Center (LARC) hotline at 617-603-1700 or 1-800-342-5297 for intake.

Whatever you tell LARC is private and confidential. A LARC staff person will ask you some questions to find out if you qualify for legal services from VLP or another office. LARC may be able to give you information or advice about your legal problem.

Requirements & Restrictions:

VLP does not handle criminal cases or represent incarcerated individuals on any matter whether related to their incarceration or not. If you do not have a kind of case that VLP handles, LARC can give you information or advice, and may be able to refer you to an agency that handles that kind of case.

DCF cases are not accepted.

Must live in greater Boston, must be a U.S. citizen or have green card, and must meet federal poverty guidelines. If residency is outside city of Boston, call to find out if address is in Volunteer Lawyers Project’s service area.

Waiting time: Depends on the issue. No emergencies can be taken. Languages: Interpreters available for many languages.

Weekend Emergency Food Pantry – Church of the Covenant

67 Newbury Street
Church of the Covenant
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-266-7480

Email: info@cotcbos.org Website: www.cotcbos.org/social-justice.html

The Weekend Emergency Food Pantry program offered by Church of the Covenant provides free groceries and other necessities to Boston residents in urgent need. It operates out of the back entry at Church of the Covenant. The building is located at the corner of Berkeley and Newbury Streets in Boston’s Back Bay and the food pantry entry is down the alley off of Berkeley Street.

Service hours:

Sat & Sun: 10am - 12pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

People seeking assistance should bring photo identification. Visits are limited to once per month.

Whittier Street Health Center

1290 Tremont Street
Roxbury, ma 02120
Phone: 617-427-1000
Fax: 617-989-3247

Email: contact@wshc.org Website: www.wshc.org/

At Whittier Street Health Center, they are dedicated to providing high quality and accessible clinical services to all of their patients.

Clinical Services

Community Health Programs

Whittier Street Health Center accepts walk-ins. When the Center is closed, a 24/7 live answering service will attend to all calls and direct to a provider on call.

They are also providing testing of COVID-19 at the clinic Monday – Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. The vaccine shot is available for both Moderna and Pfizer. The 3rd shot, the booster, is also available. FLU shots for all patients also available.

Service hours:

M-F: 8:30am – 8pm; Sat: 8:30am – 5pm

Other Locations:

Whittier Street Health Center – Satellite Clinic
278 Blue Hill Avenue
Roxbury, MA
M-F: 8:30am – 5pm

Requirements & Restrictions:

Whittier will not deny services to any patient due to the inability to pay, disability, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, or religion.

Discounts are available for patients based on family size and income.

Languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Arabic, Bosnian, Krio, Portuguese, Yoruba, Russian, Farsi, Somali, Urdu, Haitian Creole

WilmerHale Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School

122 Boylston Street
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-522-3003
Fax: 617-522-0715

Website: www.legalservicescenter.org/
Who to Contact: Intake Staff Services:

Legal assistance is provided in the following civil law areas:

Disability Benefits: Social Security Disability representation for disabled clients

Estate Planning: Estate planning and probate, guardianship, debt counseling and private insurance cases for low- and middle-income individuals. This service is only provided for veterans.

Family Law: Divorce, Domestic Violence, Paternity, Child & Spousal Support, Adoption, Guardianship, Guardian ad Litem court appointments and English/Spanish Pro Se Divorce Clinics

Federal Tax Unit: The Federal Tax Unit provides free legal representation to clients in tax controversies with the IRS.  The Unit works on a wide variety of matters, including family tax issues (e.g., earned income tax credit, child tax credit, and dependency exemptions), tax debt/collection cases (offers in compromise and installment payment agreements), injured and innocent spouse claims, and audit reconsiderations.  Their work on behalf of taxpayers involves, among other things, requesting audit reconsideration, representing clients at IRS Appeals conferences, drafting and submitting advocacy letters to IRS Appeals, preparing and submitting innocent and injured spouse claims and offers in compromise, and representing clients before the U.S. Tax Court.

Housing Law: Eviction Defense due to foreclosure

Veteran’s Issues: Veterans Benefits (service-connected disability, pension, and other programs from the VA), Veterans’ Services benefits (from Massachusetts cities and towns), other public benefit programs, discharge upgrades and designated civil matters

Services are limited due to staff availability.

LGBTQ+ Advocacy: The LGBTQ+ Advocacy Clinic works with community members, advocates, non-profit organizations, educators, medical professionals, and governmental entities to advance the rights of LGBTQ+ people at both the national and local levels. The Clinic engages in impact litigation, policy advocacy, and direct representation on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community, with a particular focus on issues affecting underrepresented groups within the LGBTQ+ umbrella.


Service hours:

M - F: 9am - 5pm; Intake hours vary - please call.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Suffolk County residents only. No criminal issues are handled.

Languages: Spanish-speaking interpreter and staff available.

Women’s Lunch Place

67 Newbury Street
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-267-1722

Email: info@womenslunchplace.org Website: womenslunchplace.org/

Healthy meals, essentials, and one-on-one assistance from a unique daytime shelter and advocacy center in Boston dedicated to helping women in need.

A nutritious breakfast and lunch, seasonal gear, toiletries, undergarments, feminine hygiene products and other basic necessities are always available at their 67 Newbury St. location. Advocates provide individualized services to guests, and free medical services are available from Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program.


Service hours:

Mon-Sat 7:00AM-2:00PM

Requirements & Restrictions:

Anyone that identifies as a woman is welcome and their children (though services are for adult women only).

Women’s Prison and Re-Entry Project

105 Chauncy Street, 8th Floor
Boston, ma 02111
Email: mruttenberg@publiccounsel.net sgoldenhersh@law.harvard.edu Website: wbawbf.org/wbf-projects/womens-prison-and-re-entry-project
Who to Contact: Miriam Ruttenberg or Stephanie Goldenhersh Services:

The Women’s Prison and Re-Entry Project serves women incarcerated in Massachusetts’ prisons and jails, or those who have been involved with the criminal justice system. The Project normally operates at South Bay House of Correction in Suffolk County. In teams, volunteer attorneys meet with women and answer questions regarding family law, child custody, care and protection, housing, CORI, and criminal warrant clearing. During COVID-19 they are not visiting prisons or jails in person but are available to do Zoom educationals as requested by facilities or re-entry programs.

WPRP has launched a new Clemency Project which offers legal representation regarding petitions for clemency to incarcerate women serving long sentences. For more information, please contact Lola Remy, Director of Pro Bono Programs at LRemy@womensbar.org

Meetings are normally held quarterly at Women’s Bar Foundation (WBF) Offices, 5:00-6:30 PM, but during the pandemic, they are held by Zoom (dates on website). Please contact Lola Remy at the WBF for Zoom link information at lremy@womensbar.org

Women’s Transition Program, SMOC

7 Bishop St
2nd Floor
Framingham, ma
Phone: 508-620-2690

Website: www.smoc.org/women-transition-program.php

Located in the Opportunity Center, the Framingham Women’s Transition Program offers a safe and supportive environment where female ex-offenders can get the support they need to make a successful transition to life in the community. Program participants are assigned a case manager who will assist them in developing an Individual Service Plan (ISP) designed to meet their personal goals.

Requirements & Restrictions:

To be eligible for services, an individual must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Recently released from a Massachusetts Correctional facility (within the past 6 months).
  2. Currently incarcerated at a Massachusetts Correctional facility (will be released within the next 6 months).
  3. Currently on Probation or Parole.

X-Cel Education

7 Glenvale Terrace
Jamaica Plain, ma 02130
Phone: 617-504-6261

Email: x-cel@x-celeducation.org Website: www.x-celeducation.org/
Who to Contact: Don Sands Services:

The X-CEL School offers pre HiSET, HiSET, and College Prep classes at several four locations in Boston. Most of the classes have “rolling admissions” so that students can begin at any time. This was done in part to make it possible for returning citizens to begin classes no matter when their incarceration ended. Classes are small and each student advances through the skill levels at his or her own pace.

STRIVE: This program is a collaboration between STRIVE Employment Services and X-Cel. STRIVE operates a 5-week job readiness program, which runs Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm. The program focuses on changing the participants’ behavior and attitude so that they will be successful in securing employment and keeping it.

Integrated into STRIVE’s 9 – 5 program, X-Cel comes in twice a week for two hours each day to provide reading and math classes in preparation for the HiSet exam. At the end of the five-week cycle, STRIVE participants who lack a high-school diploma, are then referred to one of X-Cel’s community-based HiSet prep classes. The reading and math classes at STRIVE/Codman Square are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm – 4pm. Also see the STRIVE Directory Listing.

X-Cel Conservation Corps breaks the cycle of poverty by preparing Boston youth for careers in water management and conservation that lead to economic self-sufficiency. Key components of the X-Cel Conservation Corps include workforce readiness development, paid conservation projects to improve water quality and build environmental resilience in Eastern Massachusetts, classes to prepare for wastewater operator license, and paid internships in the water management field.

Service hours:

Morning classes Mon-Thurs. 10:am-12:30pm
Evening classes Mon.-Wed. 6-9:30PM

No walk ins. Must make appointment for intake.

Other Locations:

Physical location is at 39 Smith Street, Second Floor, Roxbury MA 02119

They are no longer holding classes at any other locations at this time.

Requirements & Restrictions:

Must be 18 or older.

For GED: must be able to read at 4th grade level.

For College Prep: must have GED or High School Diploma.

Waiting time: Open enrollment (no waiting list) Languages: English Transportation Google Maps

Yardtime, Inc.

292 Newbury St
Boston, ma 02115
Email: info@yardtimeent.org Website: yardtimeent.org
Our mission is to empower returning citizens by addressing their mental health needs, facilitating their successful reentry into society, and strengthening family bonds. We envision a future where every returning citizen in Boston has the opportunity for a fresh start, leading to a safer, more inclusive community.

We envision creating communities with active and engaged fathers in their families and neighborhoods by having a Men’s Mental Health Group – more information is available on our website, where you can sign up. 

Find us on Facebook for the most up to date information: YardTimeinc.

YMCA Training, Inc.

100 Franklin Street
Lower Level
Boston, ma 02110
Phone: 617-542-1800

Email: intaketi@ymcaboston.org Website: sway.office.com/JCVZjxQMLotrsW8O

YMCA Training, Inc. provides job skills training and employment assistance in close collaboration with the business community.

Their program is an intensive 20-week, full-time (600 hours) computerized office skills training and employment program. Designed to replicate the expectations of a professional office environment, the training prepares participants with both the technical and job readiness skills to succeed.

Opportunities for Specialization

Requirements & Restrictions:

If you need additional English skills, they can see co-enrollment with their sister school The International Learning Center before starting training.

Transportation Google Maps

Youth Options Unlimited (YOU) Boston

7 Palmer Street
2nd floor
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-541-2600
Fax: 617-541-2660

Website: www.youboston.org

YOU Boston is a workforce development organization that works with young people, ages 16-24, who are court-involved or gang-affiliated, reentering the community from incarceration, or seeking refuge from poverty or violence.


Service hours:

9am-5pm typically, however flexible

Requirements & Restrictions: Waiting time: Case by case basis, typically none for intake.    Languages: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cape Verdean Creole

YouthBuild Boston

27 Centre Street
Roxbury, ma 02119
Phone: 617-445-8887
Fax: 617-427-3950

Email: info@ybboston.org Website: www.youthbuildboston.org/

YouthBuild Boston aims to empower and assist underserved young people from the Boston area with the essential social, vocational, academic, and life skills necessary to navigate a positive pathway to self-sufficiency and neighborhood responsibility


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YW Boston

140 Clarendon Street, Suite 403
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-585-5400
Fax: 617-585-5499

Email: info@ywboston.org Website: www.ywboston.org/

As the first YWCA in the nation, YW Boston helps individuals and organizations change policies, practices, attitudes, and behaviors with the goal of creating more inclusive environments where women, people of color, and especially women of color can succeed.

The F.Y.R.E. Initiative is YW Boston’s leadership and empowerment program for middle school girls in the Greater Boston area. The program’s curriculum incorporates social justice education, positive identity development, and civic engagement. Each weekly session is designed to promote dialogue and experiential learning to cultivate empathy and increase social-emotional learning.